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[ In Memoriam ]

                        Barbara Marvin       In lieu of flowers, please consider donations   There will be a Celebration of Life at a
                        1947 – 2025          to the CVPH FitzPatrick Cancer Center in   later date. Donations may be made to the
                                             Plattsburgh, NY or to your local Cancer Center.  Indian River Ambulance, 6 ½ Sand Street,
                        Barbara Ann Marvin,   No services at this time, a celebration of her   Philadelphia, NY 13673. Arrangements
                        at the age of 77, passed    life service will be held at the convenience of   are with Frederick Bros. Funeral Home,
                        away on Monday,      her family, Thank you for your prayers.  Theresa, NY.  To leave condolences go to
                        February 10, 2025,                               and
                        surrounded  by  loving               Beverly A. Morgan    access the obituary.
        family at the University of Vermont Medical
        Center. She was actively working in the office at    1949 – 2025          Joel Wendt
        the family business of Marvin Land Surveying.        Beverly A. Morgan, 75,   1948 – 2025
        Barbara was born to the late Daniel and              of Pine Street, Theresa,   Of the Town of Cambria, NY, passed away
        Myra (Warrington) Dow in Lake Placid, NY             NY passed away,      on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at Lockport
        on May 3, 1947. She graduated from Lake              Thursday   evening,  Rehab & Health Care Center.  He was born
        Placid High School in 1965, having already           January 16, 2025 at   in Niagara Falls, NY on December 26, 1948,
        fallen in love with her lifetime sweetheart.   Samaritan Medical Center, Watertown, NY.  a son of the late Alton and Irene Wendt.
        She continued on in school at Utica School   Born on October 6, 1949 in Watertown, NY,
        of Automation and then immediately went   she was a daughter of Albert Ogden and Vera   Mr.  Wendt attended St. Peter’s Lutheran
        to work for IBM, where her work always   Filippi Ogden, she was a 1968 graduate of   School and graduated from Starpoint and the
        remained top secret. She and Bob married on   Watertown High School.      Forest Ranger School in Starlake.
        November 12, 1966. They moved in the early                                He served with the US Navy during the
        part of their marriage for Barbara’s work and   Beverly married Daren L. Morgan November   Vietnam War.
        because Bob enlisted  in  the  Navy. Together   8, 1969 at the Emmanuel Congregational   Mr. Wendt became a Civil Engineer with the
        they lived in Winooski, VT, Jacksonville, FL   Church, Watertown, NY, with Rev. Graham
        & China Lake, CA; before returning to live   R. Hodges, officiating.      Niagara County Department of Public Works
                                                                                  until retiring in 2011.
        permanently in Lake Placid.          She worked at various part time jobs over the
                                             years where she made many lifelong friends.  He was an active member and  Trustee at
         Barbara is survived by her loving and devoted
        husband of 58 years, Robert M. Marvin Jr.   Beverly was a member and Past President of   St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, the Sanborn
                                                                                  Fire Company Exempts, the Sanborn Fire
        She is survived by their children: Rebecca   the Theresa Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary, and
        “Becky” Ann and Charles “Chuck” Brewer of   Past President of the NYS Association of   Company band, the Sanborn American
                                                                                  Legion and the New York State Association of
        Milton, FL; Robert M. Marvin III and Denise   Professional Land Surveyors Auxiliary.
        D’Elia of Lexington, GA; Daniel Edward and   She enjoyed quilting, crocheting, ceramics,   Professional Land Surveyors.
        Lisa Marvin of Lake Placid, NY. Barbara is   camping, attending anything her grandchildren   Mr.  Wendt is survived by his wife of 49
        survived by four grandchildren: Brianna Marie   were involved with, be it sports, concerts, or   years Barbara L. [Daly]  Wendt, two sons
        Latourelle, Brandon Michael Latourelle,   just being together, and, her morning coffee   Joshua and Aaron Wendt, four grandchildren
        Nicholas Daniel Marvin, and Julianna Marie   with the girls.              Harper, Ava, Anastasia and Austin, one sister
        Marvin. Barbara is also survived by her first                             Marlyn Gross, also many nieces and nephews.
        cousin, Joy (Warrington) Conway, whom she   Survivors  include her  husband  of  55  years,   He was the brother of the late Ronald Wendt,
        talked with almost everyday.         Daren; two children, son, Michael S.   Lorraine Witkop and Jane Kroening.
                                             Morgan and companion, Charlotte Struble,
        Barbara began volunteering in high school   Antwerp, NY, daughter  and  son-in-law,   Private funeral services will be held at the
        and never stopped. She quietly supported and   Jennifer P. and Michael Foley, Brownville,   wishes of his family. Memorials may be made
        gave to others both in her community and in   NY; forever daughter-in-law Kelly Morgan   in his name to St. Peter’s Lutheran School,
        communities she traveled through. During   and companion Tom Hull, Antwerp, NY; her   Sanborn, NY. Arrangements where made
        this past week she was affectionately called   FAVORITE grandchildren, Hunter Foley,   through the Rhoney Funeral Hom,e, Sanborn,
        the “mother of NYSAPLS” (New York State   Riley Foley, Kadence Morgan, and Madison   NY.  Visit, for
        Association of Professional Land Surveyors),   Struble; sister and brother-in-law, Bonnie and   guest register.
        a compliment that truly honored her. Barbara   Frank Martin, Jacksonville, FL; brother and
        was  a  kind  and  compassionate  person who   brother-in-law, Raymond Ogden and Larry
        put others before herself. She had a passion   Atello, Palm Springs, CA; brothers-in-law
        for planning each and every dinner for her   and sisters-in-law, Timothy and Kari Morgan,
        hard working husband; enjoyed knitting,   Talkeetna, AK, Martha and Bruce Slimskey,
        spending time in the garden, long walks on   Woodbourne, NY,  Wayne (Jeff) Morgan,
        the beach, and time with family and friends.   Frankfort, NY and Sharon Ogden; her dog
        She reached out to so many people, who have   and companion, Bailee; nieces, nephews and
        lovingly said she was “like a mom” or “like a   cousins. She was predeceased by her parents
        sister” to them. She will be deeply missed.  and her brother Albert (Lee) Ogden.

                                               EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 61 • NO 2 / 2025 • MARCH/APRIL   11
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