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[ short takes ]

                           CST Exam Offered in Rochester         As a member of NYSAPLS, you have the unique opportunity to either
                           this April                          become a mentor or connect with a mentor to enhance your career.
                                                               Whether you’re looking to share your knowledge and experience or
                             Expand Your Horizons: Become a CST! The   seeking guidance to advance your skills, the YSN Mentorship Program
                           NSPS CST (Certified Survey Technician)   provides a fantastic platform for professional growth.
        program  is  a  national  certification  program  for  Survey  Technicians
        (based on experience and examination for field and office) at four   Why Participate?
        levels  (Level  I;  entry  level,  Level  II;  instrument/computer  operator,   • Mentors: Help shape the next generation of surveyors by sharing
        Level III; party chief/chief computer operator, and Level IV; chief of   your wisdom, experience, and insights. Gain satisfaction from
        parties/office manager).                                   giving back to the profession and creating lasting relationships
                                                                   with rising stars in surveying.
        Upcoming Exam Date & Location:                           • Mentees: Gain valuable advice and career guidance from
          • April 18, 2025 - Rochester, NY - 9:00am - 1:00pm       seasoned professionals. Expand your network, develop new
            [LEVELS 1-3]                                           skills, and accelerate your career trajectory by learning from
            Fisher Associates,180 Charlotte St, Rochester, NY 14607  those who have walked the path before you.
        Benefits for Technicians                               How to Get Involved:
          • Recognition by Peers and Employers                   1.  Sign up as a Mentor or Mentee: Fill out the registration form
          • Personal Pride - Achieving Certification               to express your interest.
          • Pay – CST’s make about 10% more                      2.  Match with a Pair: The NSPS YSN Mentorship Committee will
          • Career and Employment opportunities improve            connect you with someone who aligns with your professional
                                                                   goals and interests.
          • Prepares you for other professional exams            3.  Engage and Grow: Foster meaningful discussions and
          • CST Program compliments training                       connections to help you progress in your surveying career.
          • Skills will improve – making advancement possible    This is an excellent way to give back to the profession while continuing
          • Certification improves image of survey technicians within    to learn and develop. Whether you have years of experience to share or
            the agency                                         are just starting out, there’s a place for you in the program.

        How to Register for an Upcoming Exam                     We look forward to seeing the positive impact this program will have
        The process of signing up for a CST exam is very simple!   on our community!
                                                               For more information:
          1.  Visit
          2.  At the bottom of the page, choose to either fill out the application   • Download the YSN’s Mentorship Onboarding Packet:
            online (APPLY ONLINE tab) or request a paper application from   committee/YSN-Mentor-Onboarding-Packet.pdf
            NSPS (PAPER APPLICATION tab).                        • Visit YSN website:
          3.  If you should have any questions during the application process,
            please contact Sara Maggi from NSPS.
            or (240)-439-4615 ext. 14.                                           Employee Related NY Law
           Keep in mind:                                                         Updates for 2025
          • Seats are limited - Sign up early!                                     Important information on laws that went into
          • Applications to sit for the exam must be submitted to NSPS at        effect on the first of the year in New York that
                                                                                 will impact all employees:
            least 2 weeks before the test date.
                                                                 • Prenatal leave:
          For more information about the CST Exam, including the benefits,
        how to prepare, pricing and more, visit   Starting  January 1,  2025, any privately employed  pregnant  New
                                                                   Yorker is able to receive an additional 20 hours of paid leave for
                                                                   prenatal care. Prenatal, pregnancy-related care includes: physical
                       YSN Mentorship Program                      exams, medical procedures, monitoring, testing, discussions with a
                       Announced                                   health care provider needed to ensure a healthy pregnancy, fertility
                                                                   treatment, and end-of-pregnancy care. This benefit is in addition to
                         We are excited to share an invitation to participate
                        in  the National  Society of Professional Surveyors   Paid Family Leave and existing employer-provided leave and existing
                                                                   sick leave benefits. There is no minimum employee threshold and
                        (NSPS)  Young  Surveyors  Network  (YSN)   the prenatal leave is available to full- and part-time employees.
                        Mentorship Program. This initiative aims to foster
                        growth, learning, and professional development   • Paid family leave:
        for both mentors and mentees within the surveying community.  Starting January 1, 2025, employees taking Paid Family Leave are
                                                                   eligible to receive up to $14,127.84 in total benefits, which is an
                                                                   increase of $300 from 2024. Individuals taking paid leave receive

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