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67% of their average weekly wage, up to a cap of 67% of the New York Labor Law Section 220-i defines contractors as any
current New York State Average Weekly Wage, which is $1,757.19 entity entering into a contract to perform construction, demolition,
for 2025. This makes the maximum weekly benefit $1,177.32 and reconstruction, excavation, rehabilitation, repair, installation,
the total possible benefit to an employee is $14,127.84 renovation, alteration, or custom fabrication. Subcontractor
• Workers comp: means any entity subcontracting with a contractor to perform one of
Starting January 1, 2025, the minimum workers’ compensation those duties.
weekly benefit will increase to $325 per week up from $275 per The Department of Labor has created a landing page with
week. On July 1, 2026, the minimum weekly benefit will be resources about the Public Work Contractor and Subcontractor
indexed to the New York State Average Weekly Wage. Registry. This page has information on the law and a link to
Starting January 1, 2025, the workers’ compensation assessment registration information. The registration information page provides
rate for employers will be 7.1% of the standard premium or instruction on the materials needed to register, the registration
premium equivalent (down 22% from 2024). process, and what happens after registration is submitted. For
additional information, the Department has created a Frequently
Asked Questions page and encourages outreach to the Department
Prevailing Wage by those seeking clarification or answers not available.
for Public Works – What does this mean for land surveyors?
New Requirements The answer to this question will depend on the project and the
Pursuant to Article 8 of the New York Labor capacity in which the surveyor is involved. Any surveyor with
Law, there are new requirements for contractors and subcontractors questions should explore the Department of Labor’s resource page
submitting bids or performing construction work on public work or reach out to staff at the Department to share specific facts of the
projects or private projects. Starting December 30, 2024, project and confirm. Notably, registration and receipt of a Certificate
contractors and subcontractors need to register before submitting of Registration merely puts you into the system (which can be viewed
new bids or commencing new work on a covered project. The New by the public); if you anticipate bidding on projects that are covered
York State Department of Labor has encouraged contractors and by the prevailing wage rules, you may want to proactively register so
subcontractors to register as soon as possible to obtain a Certificate you are ready for any bid submission requirements.
of Registration to avoid delays in submission of bids.