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To stave off the loneliness, she busied herself with her property work,   Irene made her first television appearance in 1953 to discuss her
        dealing with all the emergencies caused by the bombing raids over   work in housing. In 1959 she was beamed into homes again for a
        London, and expanded her writing and speaking.  In September 1939,   rather different reason: on 9th November 1959 her husband John was
        the Women’s Group on Public Welfare had been set up in response to   surprised by Eamonn Andrews with his big red book for ‘This is Your
        the outcry caused by the first wave of evaluations. Newspapers were full   Life’. In 1946, he had started working with Margaret McEwan on the
        of headlines about city children turning up in rural communities dirty   Dutch Relief Scheme. From there they had founded International Help
        and infested with head-lice. A thorough investigation was needed to   for Children, a charity to give holidays to British children left in
        understand the root causes and Irene joined Margaret Bondfield and   poverty and European children who were now refugees as a result of
        Marjory Allen, among others, on the original committee. It took three   the war. When John died in 1966, his memorial service was attended
        years to complete and publish the report.               by over 600 people.

          In 1943, Irene participated in a conference on The Homes of the   Irene received an OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire)
        Future in Tyneside alongside Irene Ward, the MP for North Tyneside. She   for her work in 1966, which she continued for another six years,
        laid out the six principles she saw as being key to success: central   finally retiring in 1972. She subsequently wrote about her work in two
        supervision of building materials and layouts; careful selection of   books, providing a valuable record of career but revealing relatively
        building land; types of foundation and position of estates; reasonable   little about her personal life. She lived her last years in Canada to be
        rent charges; decent sized rooms; houses instead of flats where possible.   nearer her children.
          She joined the Heating and Ventilating Committee of the Ministry of   Her life and work is commemorated in the house named after her
        Reconstruction, one of only two women working alongside twenty   on Eversholt Street in London and in May 2024 a blue plaque at 1A St
        men. From this came the Women’s Committee for Solid Fuel (Coal),   Martin’s House, Polygon Road was unveiled by her grandson.
        completing a triumvirate of organizations exploring domestic energy   You can also find out more about the history of Somerstown,
                                 sources, the others being the   including the role Irene played, at the People’s Museum at 52 Phoenix
                                 Electrical  Association  of Women   Road, NW1.
                                 and  the  Women’s Gas  Council.  In
                                 1946, she was one of the participants   Sources include:
                                 in a conference to discuss ‘Fuel and   The Woman’s Leader 8/12/1922; 10/8/1923; 17/10/1924; Daily
                                 the Future’ alongside Caroline   Herald 29/9/1933; Westminster and Pimlico News 5/5/1944
                                                                Reports by Irene Barclay and Evelyn Perry: Westminster Survey
                                 Post war activities              Group: Report on and Survey of Housing Conditions in the Victoria
                                   At the end of the war Evelyn came   Ward, Westminster (April 1927); Behind Princes Street A Contrast:
                                 back to the UK but was not in good   Report on Survey of Housing Conditions of 443 families situated in
                                 enough health to return to the   St Andrew’s Ward Edinburgh (June 1931)
                                 partnership. Irene carried on with a   ‘Property Management’ by Irene Barclay in The Road to Success
                                 re-configured team. She expanded   by Margaret Cole (1936); The St Pancras Housing Association in
                                 her reach beyond housing, taking a   Camden: What it is and why – A History 1924 to 1972 by Irene
                                 seat on the board of North Thames   Barclay (1973); People Need Roots: The Story of the St Pancras
                                 Gas in 1949, which she held for   Housing Association by Irene Barclay (1976)
                                 twelve years, the only woman, but
                                 most of her activities were connected   Father: Basil Martin, An Impossible Parson (1935); Father Figures
                                 to agenda of social justice.     by Kingsley Martin (1966)
                                                                ‘Housing Happenings in Somers Town’ by Roland Jeffery in
                                   She continued to drive change in
                                 the industry as well as for residents.   Twentieth Century Architecture 9: Housing the Twentieth Century
                                 She had joined the Society of Women   Nation (2008) ed Elain Harwood and Alan Powers
                                 Housing Managers right at the start          By Lizzie Broadbent
                                 of her career and her team was               Lizzie is a business consultant, specializing in
                                 composed entirely of women, but              organizational culture and change, who also
                                 she wanted to see more men working
                                 in property management who shared            writes about the lives and experiences of business
                                                                              women a century ago. She has contributed
                                 the Society’s management principles.
                                 She proposed  dropping  the  word            profiles to the National Portrait Gallery, the
        ‘Women’ from the Society’s name and the resolution was carried in   Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and a range of national
        1948. It had little effect so in 1965 the SHM merged with the Institute of   publications. You can visit her blog “Women Who Meant Business”
        Housing to create the Institute of Housing Managers, now the Chartered   at
        Institute of Housing.
                                               EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 61 • NO 2 / 2025 • MARCH/APRIL   17
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