Page 33 - NYSAPLS-2023-Conference-Journal_final
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FLOOR PLAN                       2023 EXHIBITORS

           Exhibit Hall Hours                 ADMAR Positioning Solutions ...............................22-25

                                              Alfred State College - SUNY College of Technology ................ 11
           Meet up with our exhibitors as     Antique Survey Equipment .............................. see map
           they showcase their products
           and services. Be sure to join      Berntsen International, Inc. ................................... 28
           us Wednesday evening for our       Bluesky Geospatial, Ltd ...................................... 31
           welcome reception, sponsored
           by Maine Technical Source and      Carlson Software ........................................ 21, 26
           Control Point Associates, including   Central New York Lyme & Tick-Borne Disease Alliance ............. 36
           cocktails and light fare.
                                              CivilTraining, LLC  .......................................... 14
           Wednesday, January 18              Control Point Associates, Inc. ...............................15-16

           11:00am – 4:30pm                   Cooper Aerial Surveys ........................................ 6
           6:15pm – 8:45pm
                                              Eastcom Associates, Inc. ..................................... 32

           Thursday, January 19               Emlid ..................................................... 5
           7:30am – 4:30pm                    Featherstone Supply, Inc. .................................... 37

                                              GdB Geospatial LS, PC ...................................... 27
           Friday, January 20                 Golden Aerial Surveys, Inc. ................................... 29

           7:30am – 11:00am
                                              Insure Care Brokers, Inc. ..................................... 17
                                              KCI Technologies, Inc. ....................................... 19

                                              Keystone Precision Solutions .................................8-9

                                              Maine Technical Source  .....................................1-3
                                              National Society of Professional Surveyors .................. see map

                                              New York Precision Equipment ................................ 30

                                              NYSAPLS Bookstore ................................... see map
                                              NYSAPLS Public Relations Committee (PR Corner)  .......... see map

                                              NYSAPLS Young Professionals (YP) Committee ............. see map

             Be sure to stop                  NYS GIS Association ........................................ 10
                                              Paul Smith’s College ......................................... 7
              by & visit all of               Qntfi, Inc. ................................................. 35

              our exhibitors                  Robinson Aerial Surveys, Inc. ................................. 12
                                              SUNY ESF Ranger School ................................... 18
             and thank them                   Thew Associates, LLC ....................................... 13

            for their support.                Waypoint Technology Group, LLC ............................33-34
                                              Wild Woman Co., Inc. ....................................... 20

                                              Booth locations subject to change
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38