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Tuesday, January 17, 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Jump start your networking Inspired by their participation at the NYSAPLS Strategic Retreat held earlier this year, the
experience with the opening of our NYSAPLS MTS Committee will be hosting a “round table” session to discuss the current
exhibit hall Wednesday morning. Minimum Technical Standards draft document. The purpose of the session is to openly discuss
Visit with vendors from across the member concerns, frequently asked questions, and common misconceptions. Attendees who
country as they showcase their have ideas for alternative language that will still maintain the objectives of re-traceability and
products and unveil their newest accountability are encouraged to bring written suggestions. The committee intends to continue
releases. These key suppliers can an open and friendly dialogue between members and colleagues. Join us with an open mind for
help you address your business this important and thought-provoking discussion.
challenges and succeed in this NETWORKING DAY FOR STUDENTS & SURVEYORS
rapidly changing field.
Wednesday, January 18
Exhibition Hours Calling all licensees and students! Join us for an afternoon of networking designed to offer
generations of surveying knowledge and “real world” experience to current students studying to
Wednesday, January 18 join the profession. Please join us and donate a few hours of your time on Wednesday, January
11:00am – 4:30pm 18, to help mold the path of a future licensee.
6:15pm – 8:45pm On the opening day of the conference, students will have the opportunity to network with
Thursday, January 19 current licensees while enjoying lunch, attending the scholarship awards presentation, visiting
7:30am – 4:30pm the exhibits, and attending the “Real World Perspectives” panel session together.
Friday, January 20 The tentative schedule for the day is listed below:
7:30am – 11:00am Networking Schedule
(Wednesday, January 18)
Exhibit Hall Concessions 12:00pm – Meet and greet: Students and licensees
Attendee lunches and receptions will enjoy lunch and will be paired up
will be featured inside the exhibit with their mentor
hall throughout Wednesday and 12:45pm – Scholarship and Awards Luncheon
Thursday. You must have a pre- 1:30pm – Free networking time: Use our lounge
purchased ticket for admission to to discuss the field over a cup of coffee;
these events. or stroll our exhibit hall and introduce
students to the latest technology and
Dress Code your personal vendor connections.
Attire at the annual conference is 4:00pm – Attend the “Real World Perspectives”
business casual. Feel free to be panel session, facilitated by
comfortable in slacks, polo shirts, Jeremy E. Thompson, LS.
sweaters, blazers, blouses, and To contribute and enhance your experience, the NYSAPLS Auxiliary has graciously offered to
most importantly, comfortable purchase Wednesday’s lunch tickets for students participating in this event.
shoes! Suits, ties, nine-to-five
dresses, and high heels are To make this event successful, we are looking for both licensees and students to participate.
Wednesday, January 18, 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Please join us for our annual awards ceremony. Included in the ceremony, the newest faces in
the surveying community will be honored including college level scholarship awards, the new
licensee presentation and the Pillars of Excellence awards.