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       *ADDITIONAL program offered to registrants

       who check-in early on Tuesday*


       Open to all monumental conference

       registrants. First-come, first-served!

       Data Processing and More with Carlson Software
       January 17, 2023, 4:00pm – 6:00pm • NY CE: 2.0           From there we will review processing and utilizing raw data files from
       Presented by: Michael Hyman                              total station and GPS data sets. Reducing and processing raw data
       This course will start with some important project setup settings   files (.rw5). Deed Entry and Deed Correlation processing options
       for starting up your boundary, topographic and general mapping   will be reviewed. We will then finish up with some of the enhanced
       projects focusing on NAD 83 with a brief discussion on Grid-to-  capabilities within Carlson’s Field-To-Finish for final mapping options.
       Ground/Ground-to-Grid options. We will then move onto best   Overall, this class will highlight some of the years training events that
       practices on file exchange and data preparation from Carlson’s   Carlson Software has done in New York. Additionally, items will also
       field Software SurvCE/SurvPC into Carlson Survey-focusing on   be reviewed with your input as time allows.
       the new .crdb coordinate file format as well as .rw5 Carlson data   * ATTENDEES ARE ENCOURAGED TO BRING THEIR LAPTOPS –
       exchange for best deliverables discussion.               Data Sets will be provided during class.

                               VENDOR SHOWCASE


       Seats are first-come, first-served and will be featured LIVE on the exhibit hall floor! Join us by signing-in at the table near the stage in the
       exhibit hall prior to the program start time.
       Tick-Talk                                                projects may require different approaches based on various
       January 18, 2023, 2:00pm – 3:00pm • NY CE: N/A           factors including precision requirements, sky-view, and other
       Presented by Elizabeth Balfour, CNY Lyme & Tick-Borne    considerations. The remaining portion of this course will be spent
                                                                reviewing some of the software tools within Trimble Business
       Disease Alliance                                         Center for importing and processing GNSS data.
       Let’s Talk About Ticks – What, When, Where, and How: Land   Surfaces…Contours…Volumes…
       Surveyors work out in the field and often encounter various types
       of ticks. This course will help surveyors prepare for tick encounters   with Carlson Software
       by reviewing prevention methods, proper removal techniques, and   January 19, 2023, 2:00pm – 3:00pm • NY CE: 1.0
       steps they should take if bitten. Different types of ticks will also   Presented by Michael Hyman, Carlson Software
       be discussed. We will review where surveyors could access free   Attendees will gain knowledge on how to create an effective
       available resources for tick testing, as well as additional educational   contour map with a modern software package (Carlson Software).
       information on tick-borne diseases through the Central New York   We will review and interpret the survey data needed for basic
       Lyme & Tick-Borne Disease Alliance.                      surface modeling creation. Terminology such as DTM and TIN
       How to Choose the Right GNSS Tools for the               will be explained along with how to merge different 3D surfaces.
       Greatest Productivity                                    Earthwork Volume calculation methods will be explained and
       January 19, 2023, 10:30am – 11:30am • NY CE: 1.0         learned. The session will focus on the various tools that exist to
                                                                help modern surveyors better understand 3D components for land
       Presented by Jesse Phillips & Harry Schultz, LS, Waypoint   surveying projects and how to better manipulate it to provide a
       Technology Group                                         better product for their clients. We will then finish up on deliverables

       This session will review some fundamentals of, as well as, recent   to various types of industry software products.
       improvements to GNSS Technology. We will examine how different
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