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Laura E. Ayers, Esq. Richard C. Brooks, LS production users. Joseph has acquired his expertise in
New York Attorney, Laura E. Ayers, focuses her law Richard Brooks, LS is a Land Surveyor licensed and DTS management via real-world experience everywhere
practice on real property. Actively at the helm of her practicing in New York State and is a co-presenter of the he has worked. He has personally taught hundreds of
own law firm since 2010, Laura has over fourteen years NYS-Specific LS Exam Review Workshop. Licensed in training classes during his career. Over time, Joseph has
of experience dealing with the special issues that arise 1984, he is the senior project manager for Control Point come to enjoy the technological and training challenges
in complex real property disputes and is often retained Associates, Inc. at their Hudson Valley office. He is a associated with DTS management while providing
as special counsel to municipalities or as an expert third-generation Land Surveyor and his wife Patricia is a solutions that are efficient, productive, and ultimately
witness. Laura is a frequent lecturer on various real second-generation Land Surveyor. Richard has spent his save his company money.
property topics including Highway Law, Easement Law, professional career in and around the Catskill Mountain Randy Garcia
and Boundary Line Disputes for the New York State region. Richard has authored 10 articles related to Randy Garcia is a Product Engineer for the ArcGIS
Bar Association, among others. Laura received her surveying matters for the Empire State Surveyor and is for AutoCAD product team at Esri. He has a degree
Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry and Biophysics a seminar presenter. He routinely presents continuing in Geography and a Master’s Degree in Geospatial
from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and her Juris education programs to land surveyors and attorneys. Programming. He has spent time working in the oil,
Doctor from Albany Law School of Union University. He has developed over 15 titles pertinent to the Land gas and utility industries as a CAD and GIS technician.
William E. Beardslee, Sr., PE, LS, PP Surveying profession. He served as an Adjunct Professor Through both his education and experience, Randy
for SUNY Ulster’s Land Surveying degree program until
Bill Beardslee is a licensed professional land surveyor, it was sunset in 2018. Richard is a member of: the Mid- has gained expertise in the best practices and tools for
engineer and planner with over 55 years’ experience Hudson Valley Land Surveyors Association (MHVLSA), melding the CAD and GIS worlds together.
in the field of land development. He is known for his the NYS Association of Professional Land Surveyors Brian Holder
excellent presentation and writing capabilities, along (NYSAPLS), the National Society of Professional Brian Holder has over 17 years of experience providing
with being one of the leading technical experts on Surveyors (NSPS), the NYS GIS Association, the utility mapping services in accordance with the American
land development in the engineering and surveying Vermont Society of Land Surveyors (VSLS), and the Society of Civil Engineers CI/ASCE 38-02 Standards
arena. Bill has made over 2,000 presentations on Surveyors Historical Society. He is the New York State for Quality Levels, A, B, C, and D utility data. Services
engineering and surveying projects to local and state coordinator for the national Certified Survey Technician provided include utility test holes, utility designated/
agencies. Prior to his retirement, he was the owner (CST) program. In 2011, NYSAPLS honored him with marking, mapping utilities, utility record research, and
and Director of Engineering for Beardslee Engineering their Surveyor of the Year award for his exemplary utility coordination. Brian’s projects have included
Associates in Sparta, NJ. Bill holds a Bachelor of contributions to the profession of Land Surveying. horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities,
Science in Civil Engineering from New Jersey Institute James Flint identification and verification of underground utilities,
of Technology and a Master of Arts Degree in Corporate ground penetrating radar surveys and investigation of
& Organizational Communications from Fairleigh Jim Flint has been with Eastcom Associates, Inc. related structures through various means to include
Dickinson University. Now retired in North Carolina, since April of 2017. Prior to that, he spent 14 years video pipe inspections on a variety of projects in both
he stays active in business development for Davis- with Dig Safely New York during which time he held public and private sectors.
Martin-Powell in High Point, NC, as well as providing positions as Customer Service Representative, Gary R. Kent, PS
continuing education seminars around the country. Field Representative for Central New York and Gary Kent is in his 39th year with The Schneider
Field Supervisor for all upstate NY staff. In this
John S. Boddecker, LS position, Jim facilitated excavator training and Corporation in Indianapolis – having transitioned to
John (Steve) Boddecker, LS is Fisher Associates, PE, community awareness regarding damage prevention part-time status in 2020. Since then, he has also
LS, LA DPC’s Vice President and Director of Geomatics of underground utilities throughout Upstate NY. been providing training, consulting and expert witness
where he provides leadership and strategic directions For two years prior to working with Dig Safely New services as manager of Meridian Land Consulting,
to the Land Surveyors and GIS Teams. His duties York, Jim was a telecommunications technician with LLC. He has served on the Indiana State Board of
also include the principal of Health and Safety for the MCI/WorldCom (now Verizon Business) and was Registration for Professional Surveyors since 2004
firm. Based out of Fisher’s Buffalo New York office he responsible for network operations in Central NY. and is a past-president of both ACSM and the Indiana
routinely spends time in one of their 5 other offices in Nicholas B. Ford, LS Society of Professional Land Surveyors. Gary has
New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. With more than presented programs on boundary law, easement and
40 years of experience in Land Surveying, he has been Nicholas Ford is a licensed surveyor in New York rights of way, surveying standards and practice, and
fortunate to have worked on a very wide variety of State, as well as a full-time instructor at Alfred State leadership in all 50 states.
projects from large to small both on the boundary side College, where he teaches a variety of surveying Jason M. Larson, LS
of the fence as well as the engineering. Today, much of specific courses. Mr. Larson has over 34 years of experience in
his time is spent running the group and mentoring more Joseph F. Gaffney surveying, having started while in high school as a
senior staff, while working closely with Fisher’s three Joseph Gaffney is the Corporate Design Technology draftsman for a local surveyor. After several years
sector and three other service lines. Professionally, Service Manager at Colliers Engineering & Design working in the industry, he graduated from the
Steve has been a licensed surveyor since 1990, first (formerly Maser Consulting), and is in charge of providing University of Florida with a BS in Surveying and
in NY, then in NJ (1995) and then KY (2020). He has key assistance, administration, training and support to the Mapping in 1998. He progressed through the years
served in the leadership of his regional, Niagara Frontier production teams. Joseph possesses an A.A.S. degree from Draftsman, Crew Chief, CADD Tech/Data
Land Surveyors Association (NFLSA) through President in Civil Engineering Technology. In his twenty years of Processor, Project Surveyor, Control Manager, Project
in 1997 and again in 2024 and the New York State industry experience, he has successfully implemented Manager, HDS Manager, to Director of Survey. Jason
Association of Professional Land Surveyors (NYSAPLS) countless software programs, processes, and standards moved to NYC in 2005 and has worked there since.
2012-2013. He continues to serve NYSAPLS as to increase efficiency/productivity of staff. Joseph has He is active with NYSAPLS in the Delaware Hudson
Chairman of the Political Action Committee, and as a been working as a Corporate DTS Manager for 15 years, Regional and is a member of several committees
member of the Finance and Nominations & Awards and in that same capacity for his current employer for including Education, Legislative, and is the current
committees. He is also the Vice President of the Shaw the past 10 years. He was recently promoted to Principle chairman of the MTS Committee.
Fund. Outside the professional world, Steve lives on a Associate, due to his impactful contributions to the firm.
small farm with his partner where they manage to keep He is responsible for everything CADD/BIM related and
seven horses and a pony, 3 dogs, too many cats and his team supports 60 offices throughout the US. He leads
a variety of semi wild animals depending on if you feed a group who is in charge of providing management,
them or not. He is an avid fly fisherman and western standardization, consulting, programming, training,
lifestyle enthusiast. support, and technical services to approximately 1,200