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FRIDAY Writing Legal Descriptions Ethics for the Geomatics Professional
January 20, 2023 NY LS/PE: 1.5 NY LS/PE: 1.5
Scott R. Reeser, LS
William E. Beardslee, Sr., PE, LS, PP
8:30am – 10:00am 10:30am – 12:00pm
Boundary Surveys in New York The legal description is not a mathematical Attendees will review published definitions of
NY LS/PE: 4.0 exercise – it is a communication tool a land Professional Ethics, as well as related terms.
Jason M. Larson, LS surveyor has to relate the results of his product The Canons of Ethics published by the New York
8:00am – 12:30pm to the client and the world. A description with State Association of Professional Land Surveyors
This interactive course will cover boundary surveys too much or too little productive wording can will be reviewed.
of four distinct types as performed within different impede the ability of future surveyors to follow
areas of the state of New York; large tract rural, in the tracks of the creator of the description. Digital Signatures & Seals – Part 2
suburban/urban commercial sites, suburban title This course will address creating thorough, but NY LS/PE: 1.5
surveys, and heavy urban (NYC). Attendees concise, legal descriptions. Joseph F. Gaffney
will be presented with a scenario with research 10:30am – 12:00pm
documents, found evidence, and be guided Digital Signatures & Seals – Part 1 Currently, many agencies require plans to be
through the process by a panel member that NY LS/PE: 1.5 submitted with digital signatures/seals. In most
specializes in that type of survey. Joseph F. Gaffney states, a digital signature/seal already carry the
8:30am – 10:00am same weight, authority, and effect as a handwritten
Practical Application of Reality Currently, many agencies require plans to be signatures and impression-type seals. Using
Capture – Photogrammetry, LiDAR, submitted with digital signatures/seals. In most digital signing/sealing replaces wet ink signatures
and creates legally binding documents. Digital
and UAV Workflows states, a digital signature/seal already carry the signatures also allow firms to streamline the
same weight, authority, and effect as a handwritten
NY LS/PE: 4.0 signatures and impression-type seals. Using signature/approval process. However, to submit
James Quirin digital signing/sealing replaces wet ink signatures plans electronically, plans must adhere to specific
8:00am – 12:30pm and creates legally binding documents. Digital legal digital requirements. A Digital Signature is a
Reality capture encompasses a wide range signatures also allow firms to streamline the very specific form of an Electronic Signature which
of emerging technologies that are becoming signature/approval process. However, to submit uses cryptography to establish the authenticity
increasingly more accessible and affordable. This plans electronically, plans must adhere to specific and validity of the signature with much greater
session specifically focuses on aerial and mobile legal digital requirements. There are specific certainty. It is very important that a digital signature
LiDAR, UAV’s and advanced camera systems. digital signature and seal requirements listed for follows specific codes and technology for it to be
The class begins by examining the capabilities, NY state. In part 1 of this course, we will discuss considered valid. In this part 2 session, we will
limitations, and associated uses of these important digital sign and seal facts/terms listed review the code requirements and the various sign
technologies and their application in surveying. in the practice guidelines for Professional practice and seal guidelines for surveyors and PE’s available
The class progresses to exploring workflows on the website, that you need to be in NYS. Then we will cover the importance of 3rd
and best practices necessary to produce survey- able to understand (NYS Education Law Article party verification. Finally, we will identify how to
grade point clouds and deliverables in Pix4D, 145, Professional Engineering, Land Surveying digitally sign & seal plans; as well as how to verify
Spatial Explorer, Leica’s Cyclone, and other and Professional Geology, Section 7209; and the documents. [Note: This is part 2 of a two-part
open-source software solutions such as Potree Guidelines for PE Practice in NYS part 3). Then session, it is strongly encouraged that you take
and CloudCompare. Participants will be exposed we will distinguish the difference between digital Part 1, before taking this course]
to real world projects and the deliverables and electronic signatures. Finally, we will identify
produced will be thoroughly analyzed by the all the key components of the digital sign/seal
class. Special attention will be given to integrating process, all within the guidelines created for NY. How to Study and Prepare to
these advanced technologies into your current [Note: This is Part 1 of a two-part session] Pass the LS Licensing Exam
survey workflow and what challenges to expect NY CE: N/A
when incorporating them. Finally, the presentation Richard C. Brooks, LS & John S. Boddecker, LS
will conclude with an examination of how reality NYS Exam Application 10:30am – 12:00pm
capture technologies will continue to evolve Preparation This course will stress the importance of
and their potential for future applications. The NY CE: N/A preparation. This not only applies to studying, but
audience is left with a challenge to embrace these Richard C. Brooks, LS & John S. Boddecker, LS also to be prepared mentally and physically to
technologies, integrate them into their current 8:30am – 10:00am produce the best results. Personal examples will
workflows, and help shape their development. This course will stress the importance of be shared by the instructor, as well as willing class
an applicant’s first impression. This will be students. This should be a very upbeat class with
accomplished by exposing the students to the lively exchange of ideas and suggestions, as well as
absolute importance of the need to complete tried and true practices.
the application comprehensibly, in a legibly, and
= Technician's Track mistake free manner. The course will emphasize
the need to use full names and not slang
terminology or unconventional abbreviations
when describing one’s experience.