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GIS and Survey Roundtable
Dawn F. McCall, GISP
10:30am – 12:00pm
Six members of the surveying in GIS industry join What is the Technician’s Track?
our moderator to discuss the synergy between An education track specifically designed to address the needs of pre-licensed surveying
the surveying and GIS professions. Our panelists employees. It is designed for party chiefs, field crew, rod persons, students and other
include NYS professional land surveyors: Greg surveying staff specialists who demonstrate the following:
de Bruin, LS and Peter Borbas, LS, joined by • commitment to the land surveying profession;
ESRI staff, including a PLS from ESRI, and
members of the NY State GIS Association. Each • willing to go “above and beyond” in their current position;
panelist will share their experience and thoughts • have one to five years of experience in surveying techniques or currently enrolled
on topics related to how Surveyors and GIS in a college level surveying program;
Professionals can work well together on projects, • willing to be change agents and risk takers in their company; and,
the relationship between the two professions, the • open to examining their current thinking and the status quo.
challenges each profession faces moving into the
future, and the role of technology and how each This specialized series of classes creates a learning experience where participants
profession can move into the future stronger. explore key concepts and gain greater self-awareness of their own professional
advancement strategies.
Catskill Mountain Surveyors Working with other future leaders, attendees build a strong community of fellow peers,
NY LS/PE: 1.5
Richard C. Brooks, LS explore new roles for survey leaders, identify ways to better manage work responsibilities,
10:30am – 12:00pm and enhance their commitment and motivation as a surveying professional.
This presentation will examine the evolution of Is there a registration fee?
land titles in the greater Catskill Mountain area Discounted registration is offered for the Technician’s sessions. You can attend the
of New York. We will discuss the legal theories
of aboriginal title, rights of sovereignty, right of specialized Technician education track Wednesday through Friday. You may also
preemption, the 1790 non-intercourse act and the visit the exhibition hall, featuring the largest gathering of surveying suppliers and
aboriginal possession, as they relate to today’s manufacturers in the Northeast.
title issues. The history of surveyors and their
measuring techniques will be discussed. Who should attend?
Surveying field crew staff and those striving to obtain experience necessary to obtain a
Almost every court case involving a boundary license. College and University students are encouraged to attend as these programs will
line dispute ends with the court comparing your provide a new perspective on the experience needed to become a licensed land surveyor.
survey of a particular property to that property’s
creating document. It is not uncommon for the
surveyor to follow the transfer of title from the
original land grant to the current day property.
Our timeline will review the different modes by
which the inhabitants acquired legal titles. We
will follow the title progression from: Native
American land, the Dutch period of rule, Great
Britain’s period of rule and the post revolution
system of title. In concert with the modes, we
will discuss the land surveyor’s role for each of
these time periods including their measurement
technology and how it applies to todays’ forms
of measurements.