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WEDNESDAY Answers and questions will be discussed as ArcGIS for AutoCAD & NYS GIS
MORNING appropriate or necessary to be sure all participants Resources
understand the context and correct answers.
NY LS/PE: 1.5
January 18, 2023 This is a very “audience participation” – centric Randy Garcia, Dawn F. McCall, GISP, &
program, it is far more than a simple trivia contest.
Dan Wade, LS
Practical Workflows and Applications 8:30am – 10:00am
of Least Square Adjustments Applied Mathematics for In this session, you’ll learn how the CAD
technician becomes an active participant in
NY LS/PE: 4.0 Land Surveyors the GIS process by creating and maintaining
James Quirin NY LS/PE: 4.0 native GIS content within a CAD drawing.
8:00am – 12:30pm Scott R. Reeser, LS & Lemuel Morrison, LS The free ArcGIS for AutoCAD plug-in works
Modern software packages are powerful 8:00am – 12:30pm with your existing CAD software to allow the
applications for Civil Engineering and Survey This session is intended to provide the CAD technician to both create and consume
firms. Despite their abundant features, many titles attendees with the opportunity to refresh and native GIS data seamlessly. We’ll review how
lack sufficient adjustment functionality. This class, expand their survey math skills through the to utilize GIS data from a variety of sources
drawn on real world experience in a medium- review and completion of real world survey including secure map, imagery, and feature
sized survey and engineering firm, focuses applications. While attendees are expected layers from ArcGIS Online or Enterprise ArcGIS
on two main areas: first, the class focuses on to have a working knowledge of basic survey environments. This means that from within your
the concept of least squares and its real world math functions, a brief review will be provided, existing CAD environment you can directly use
application to survey data. Secondly, the class including the following: basic geometry, and edit LIVE GIS data from a wide variety of
examines the adjustment capabilities of Leica’s trigonometry, coordinate geometry, bearings and free data sources as well as any other private
Infinity, MicroSurvey’s STAR*NET, and Carlson’s azimuths and curve functions. The attendees data you may have access to such as client’s
SurvNET Least Square adjustment module and will be provided with real world survey problems internal GIS without getting exports. You’ll also
the integration of these software solutions into a which will need to be solved with a basic learn how to create GIS-ready content inside
survey workflow. The implementation strategy is calculator, pencil and paper. Each attendee your CAD drawing which can be delivered to
to utilize the adjustment functionality of different, must bring a calculator capable of solving your client and directly used in their own existing
and sometimes competing, software products to basic trigonometric functions (sine, cosine GIS systems to streamline the interoperability
develop the most probable and realistic location & tangent). The attendees should be familiar between AutoCAD technicians, field staff and
for control. Through the process of exporting the with their own calculators prior to the session. GIS professionals.
adjusted network, this data can be utilized and Preprogrammed calculators and/or those with
imported into CAD software packages. coordinate geometry programs are discouraged. In addition, part of this session will focus on GIS
This is a hands-on session where the attendees resources for the NYS surveying community.
This class focuses on broad concepts and will spend the majority of the course working We will discuss the best way to search for map
proper workflows to implement least squares, through real world survey problems without the services that can be consumed by ArcGIS for
configuring your workplace environment, and aid of a computer. AutoCAD. We will review specific data sources at
analyzing least squares results. Participants both the Federal and State level, including NGS
will be exposed to real world projects that are monumentation, FEMA flood hazard zones, NYS
scrutinized through a general least squares parcels, NYS contours, and related datasets that
adjustment workflow applicable to software could be useful for the surveyor. We will also
packages from Leica, MicroSurvey, and Carlson. review how to identify metadata for services for
A comparison of the adjustment solutions and survey reference notes on your survey.
generated reports will be analyzed by the class.
Invasive Species and the Land Surveyor
The Surveyor in Jeopardy NY CE: N/A
NY LS/PE: 4.0 Gregory M. Vaverchak
Gary R. Kent, PS 8:30am – 10:00am
8:00am – 12:30pm Everyday New York’s native flora and fauna are
This program will be presented in a jeopardy-like at risk of being outcompeted by invasive species
format with the presenter offering answers for which are determined to dominate the landscape.
which attendees – assembled into teams – must From hogweed to lanternfly and jumping worms;
provide the relevant question. The program will New York’s forests may never be the same.
include approximately 175 questions/answers in Come and learn the identification for some of
the following topic areas: Boundaries, ALTA/NSPS the latest invasive species appearing across the
Land Title Surveys, Safety and Health, Expert state. As a person in the field, the surveyor can
witness, Easements and rights of way, and New = Technician's Track play a critical role in early detection and fighting
York State and Rules. these pests.