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WEDNESDAY survey data transferred into the drawing from field Utility Locate Theory Overview
AFTERNOON work. The class will examine how breakline data can NY LS/PE: 1.5
be captured and included in a surface, using not only
James Flint
January 18, 2023 Civil 3D® tools but from other solutions, including 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Carlson® and SmartDraft®. The course will examine This presentation will give an overview of
Creating and Operating a various strategies for filtering point data for inclusion electromagnetic locating basics as well as
Survey Business in the surface, including point groups, description other technologies available for locating
keys and other tools. Major topics also include the
NY CE: N/A assessment of surface accuracy and surface editing, underground facilities. Discussion will include
general understanding of frequencies, grounding
William E. Beardslee, Sr., PE, LS, PP techniques for improving the quality of contouring, techniques and practices to positively identify
1:30pm – 6:00pm surface presentation and annotation styles, and the target lines. Regardless of what manufacturer is
Starting a new firm is a daunting task, use of surfaces in analysis functions, such as slope used, this program will provide you with a better
particularly in surveying with large equipment and drainage assessment. understanding of your equipment and give you
costs at the forefront. This course addresses the tips for more accurate locating.
vision of the startup, creating a business plan to Student Networking Learning
apply the vision, and staffing to carry the vision Education Summit
to the consumer. Defining the scope of services Exchange Room
the firm will offer will be a crucial ingredient in NY CE: N/A NY CE: N/A
the success of the firm as all survey services 1:45pm – 2:15pm 2:30pm – 3:30pm
cannot be offered at once. Once these items As part of student networking day, join us after A round table education summit meeting with
are in place, understanding costs and how they our annual awards ceremony to further the an open invitation to New York State Licensed
relate to the fees appropriate to the consumer for networking experience between students and Professional Land Surveyors, College Professors
the services they require will help direct the firm licensed professionals. The awards room will from ABET accredited colleges, students and our
to a bright future and avoid legal pitfalls while remain open and reserved for professionals invited guest dignitaries from bordering states,
contributing to the practice of land surveying and and students to relax over a cup of coffee, Canadian Provinces and the NSPS leadership.
welfare of the public they serve. discuss their experiences in an informal setting Discussions focus on how we as Professionals
and address questions the students may have can better educate our licensed members and
Riparian Law regarding entering the workforce as a surveying the students (future surveyors). The visiting
dignitaries provide us with what their states have
NY LS/PE: 4.0 professional. Or participants can use this time implemented successfully to address the needs
period to stroll the exhibit hall (licensees: this is a
Laura E. Ayers, Esq. great way to acquaint students with your technical of licensed land surveyors with technical and/
1:30pm – 6:00pm contacts at our tradeshow). or regulatory issues and college programs. The
This session will examine Riparian and Littoral college professors provide course offering and
Law in New York with emphasis on determining information gained from the students who have
the boundary lines along, under and with respect completed their internships and how licensed
to use and access on our lakes, rivers and land surveyors could help improve the student
coasts. This seminar will review the relevant New experience. Licensed Surveyors share their
York Statutes, Regulations and recent case law unique experiences on boundary issues and
developments affecting determinations of riparian working relations with the public and regulatory
and littoral boundary lines, ownership of lands agencies in the everyday world. Therefore,
underwater as well as the rules of law regarding taskforce discussion will include current legislative
surface water and surface water diversion. and regulatory issues affecting the profession.
Attending students will give us an insight into the
Terrain Modeling, Contouring future from angles yet to be observed. We will
and Analysis also explore what courses need to be offered to
NY LS/PE: 4.0 students to become licensed professional land
Margaret McMenamin, PE surveyors and what technical programming is
1:30pm – 6:00pm needed for current licensees.
This class examines the creation of Digital
Terrain Models, or surfaces, with an emphasis on
producing highly accurate models as efficiently as
possible from survey data. Since the surface is also
the basis for contouring and analysis within survey
software, better surfaces yield better contouring
and analysis as results. This class reviews the data
types for terrain modeling – point, breakline and = Technician's Track
contour data – and how their use is facilitated with