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THURSDAY highways with emphasis on significant recent case
AFTERNOON law updates. This seminar will also explore the
interests of the adjoining landowners with respect
January 19, 2023 to existing or former public highways, including
but not limited to surface water diversion, access,
sidewalks and gates.
Basis of Bearing
NY LS/PE: 4.0
Scott R. Reeser, LS CST Course Examination Calculator
1:30pm – 6:00pm Strategies
This workshop will review the different types NY CE: N/A NY CE: N/A
of “Basis of Bearing” used by surveyors. This Richard C. Brooks, LS Nicholas B. Ford, LS
session will blend discussion on the different 2:00pm – 3:30pm 4:00pm – 5:30pm
methodologies along with brief review of Whether you are an active Certified Survey This course is designed to help individuals in
mathematical processes used in each as well as Technician (CST), a technician who wants to be selecting a calculator for licensing examinations.
possible errors associated with each. Attendees a step above your peers or a business owner If you ever intend on sitting for examinations to
are encouraged to participate in discussion looking for another competitive advantage to become a licensed surveyor and you have not
on the viability of the different methodologies, win a bid, this program will be of value to you. considered which calculator you will use, you
as well as share their personal experiences in This awareness level presentation will introduce should take this course. This course will go to
dealing with different methods. This session the attendee to the program history, the multiple great lengths to determine which of the NCEES
is intended to be a review for the experienced career paths available to technicians and the approved calculators is best and why it is the
surveyor as well as the up-and-coming surveyor. application process. Testing techniques will be HP35s. Attendees are encouraged to bring
explored and attendees are encouraged to bring their calculators.
Introduction to Drones and the Part a laptop to explore various CST informational and
training websites. Attendees will participate in a
107 Remote Pilot Exam discussion of the return on investment a firm can
NY LS/PE: 1.5 expect by offering this program to their survey
Brian Willig and office technicians.
2:00pm – 3:30pm
This course is an introduction to the field of Technical Comparison: VENDOR SHOWCASE
unmanned aircraft, aka drones, as it relates to Fixed-Wing Aerial Mapping, UAV PRESENTATIONS
surveying. In this course, students will learn the Perfect for anyone looking to pick-
real world applications and benefits of having Mapping and LiDAR up an extra CE hour while enjoying
drones in their tool kit. They will learn who is NY LS/PE: 1.5 our tradeshow! This series of
eligible to become a drone pilot and how to Lemuel Morrison, LS programs will feature shorter (1-hour)
navigate the process. Lastly, they will learn some 4:00pm – 5:30pm presentations given on our exhibit hall
of the more difficult topics that hold most people This session is intended for both recent entrants
back from obtaining their Part 107 License. to the surveying field and more established stage by our vendors.
This course is designed for people with little to practitioners who want to better understand the See pg 23 for more details
no experience with drones, but are interested advantages and limitations of remote sensing.
in learning how and why they are becoming Attendees are expected to have a working OUT-OF-STATE CE HOURS
increasingly more valuable tools to the surveying knowledge of surveying fundamentals, techniques We have applied to various
field. After attending this course, any interested and with the preparation of surveying in CAD. The
person will get a head start on becoming a FAA session will cover 5 different modes of capture surrounding states for land surveying
licensed drone pilot. data remotely (UAV, Fixed-wing and imagery, continuing education hours. If you
LiDAR). The presenter will showcase a test site hold a license in another state, be
where each mode was collected. We will discuss sure to check out the latest updates to
results, comparative precision between each and a our CE hours posted on our website.
conventional survey done at the site.
Road Abandonment
NY LS/PE: 1.5
Laura E. Ayers, Esq.
4:00pm – 5:30pm
This session focuses on an overview of New York
State Highway Law and related case law with
respect to the abandonment and discontinuance
of highways. Topics to be addressed include:
the interest of public in the highway and the
discontinuance or abandonment of public 15