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      Steven J. MacDonald, LS, PE, C.H.     IT and survey support for Autodesk, Trimble, and Leica   Kathryn Sommo, ISA Arborist, CPESC
      Mr. MacDonald is the Director of Surveys at S.T.   survey solutions since 2011. He initially focused on   Ms. Sommo is a certified ISA Arborist, Certified
      Hudson Engineers, and has 18 years of experience   utilizing the survey products for field operations and   Wetland Director, and Certified Professional in
      performing terrestrial and bathymetric surveying.   then progressed to supporting other firms through   Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) with over
      Within this experience is over 10 years of field   consultation and training. Mr. Quirin has an extensive   20 years of experience in site assessment (surface
      experience surveying nearshore, intra-costal, and   background in the development, implementation, and   water, groundwater, soil and sediment investigations),
      inland waterways above and below the water surface.   training of reality capture solutions. He has logged   habitat restoration design, construction oversight and
      He is constantly working on innovative approaches to   hundreds of hours on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)   post construction monitoring; wetland delineation
      shallow water surveying.              systems and managed over 250 reality capture projects   and assessment; wetland permitting; stream bank
      Dawn F. McCall, GISP                  in multiple states across the East Coast. Mr. Quirin has   stabilization; treatment wetlands for stormwater
                                            assisted numerous clients with the integration of reality
      Dawn F. McCall, GISP has been a Geographical   capture technologies into their current workflows. His   management; arborist services; and tree inventories.
                                                                                   Ms. Sommo has conducted, managed or overseen
      Informations Systems Professional for over 25   experience covers high-definition laser scanning, drone   investigations and remediations at many sites located
      years. She currently is the Director of GIS Services   LiDAR/photogrammetry, least squares adjustments,   across the country. Ms. Sommo specializes in
      at Control Point Associates, Inc. and supports GIS   Leica Cyclone, Pix4D, Hypack, and CloudCompare.   wetlands regulatory evaluation, permitting, monitoring,
      needs throughout the entire corporate footprint from   Mr. Quirin’s training experience ranges from surveying   remediation, and mitigation and sediment disposal
      Maine to Virginia. She has extensive knowledge in   and engineering firms to fire and police departments   management. Ms. Sommo recently completed several
      GIS and Land Records with experience in project   for public safety. Mr. Quirin provides training and   projects that include waterfront site vulnerability analysis
      management, database management, and systems   consultation for drone and scanning services while   for floodplain, sea level rise and storm surge projections.
      integration. Dawn has over 13 years dedicated to   continuing to utilize these same technologies at Wetland   She holds a B.S. in Fishery Biology from Colorado State
      facilities and land-related issues relating to GIS   Studies and Solutions, Inc.  University and she is currently a Senior Project Manager
      integration. Dawn is actively involved in many GIS and                       for Roux.
      Surveying professional organizations including URISA   Scott R. Reeser, LS
      International, DGDC, eDUG, GeoMUG, New Jersey   Scott R. Reeser, LS, has over 30 years’ experience   Jeremy E. Thompson, LS
      Society of Professional Land Surveyors (NJSPLS),   in surveying and design. Mr. Reeser is a graduate   Jeremy is a licensed land surveyor in NYS and is
      the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Urban and Regional   of the Penn State University Surveying Program,   the current Instructor of Surveying at The New York
      Information Systems Association (MAC URISA),   where he earned an Associate Degree in Surveying   State Ranger School in Wanankena. Prior to taking
      where she spent 20 years on the board holding many   Technology. He has been a licensed Professional   up a career in education, Jeremy worked in the
      positions from Trustee to President, and is current   Land Surveyor in Pennsylvania since 2008, and also   private sector, surveying for 23 years, the majority
      President-Elect of the New York State GIS Association.  holds surveying licenses in NY (2012), WV (2013),   of which he spent with LaFave, White & McGivern,
      Margaret McMenamin, PE                CO (2014), DE (2019) and MD (2022). He is a   L.S., P.C. working as the Survey Supervisor in their
                                            member of the Pennsylvania Society of Professional
                                                                                   Theresa, NY office. Jeremy is actively involved
      Margaret McMenamin is a Professional Engineer with   Land Surveyors, where he serves as the chair of   in his community as well as in the surveying
      over eight years of experience in the environmental   the Education Committee. He previously served the   profession and currently serves as Treasurer for the
      consulting and water resources industry. Since joining   Society as President. Throughout his career he has   New York State Association of Professional Land
      Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI), a Davey   worked for various engineering, surveying and civil   Surveyors (NYSAPLS), as well as a member of the
      Tree Company, early in 2013, she has been involved   consulting firms, gaining experience in multiple facets   Northern New York and Black River Valley Regional
      in stormwater management, hydrologic and hydraulic   of surveying, engineering and land use consulting.   Associations, and as a member of NYSAPLS
      modeling, floodplain mapping, and stream stabilization   His diversified experience has allowed him to work on   Education Committee.
      and restoration projects. Ms. McMenamin also   projects that serve different market sectors including
      assists with CAD standards and practices for WSSi’s   the general public, state and local government,   Gregory M. Vaverchak
      engineering group, as well as internal development   private developers, public utilities and private utilities.   Greg Vaverchak is an International Society of
      and mentoring. For the last year, she has been   Currently, Mr. Reeser, is the Director of Surveys at   Arboriculture, Board Certified Master Arborist. He is
      teaching the AutoCAD Essentials, AutoCAD Beyond   Hunt Engineering Company, based in Malvern, PA.   also an assistant professor at the SUNY ESF Ranger
      the Basics, and Introduction to Civil 3D courses   He has been a frequent presenter of varied topics   School in the department of Sustainable Resources
      through Civil Training, LLC.          at the annual Pennsylvania Society of Professional   Management. Greg has been practicing arboriculture
      Lemuel Morrison, LS                   Land Surveyors conference as well as the New York   for 19 years.
      Lemuel Morrison has 30 years of experience in surveying   Association of Professional Land Surveyors annual   Dan Wade, LS
      and is currently working with GdB Geospatial. He is a   conference. His expanding list of presentation topics   Dan Wade is a Product Engineer for the ArcGIS for
      licensed land surveyor in NY and 8 other states. He   includes: writing legal descriptions, communications in   AutoCAD product team at Esri. He has a degree
      holds a BS in Land Surveying from the Ohio State   the workplace, survey registration law, survey math,   in Computer Science and a Master of Geospatial
      University and an MBA from the Zicklin School of   professional ethics and historical subjects.  Information Science and Technology. He spent 20
      Business at Baruch College. Lem is also an adjunct   Edwin W. Rhodes, III, LS  years in the Photogrammetry/Surveying field using
      assistant professor at the NYC College of Technology   Mr. Rhodes is a licensed Land Surveyor in NY and   AutoCAD and Microstation and the last nine years
      (CUNY) in the Department of Construction Management   CT. He currently works as a Land Surveyor for   utilizing ArcGIS Enterprise while supporting CAD
      and Civil Engineering. He teaches land surveying,   Rocco V. D’Andrea, Inc. and D’Andrea Surveying &   workflow best practices with ArcGIS products.
      boundary surveying and 3D scanning. He currently   Engineering, P.C. He is responsible for many major   Brian Willig
      resides in Manhattan with his wife and daughter.  surveys, supervision of field crews and procedures,   Brian is a Senior Remote Pilot with Colliers
      James Quirin                          and implementation of electronic surveying and data   Engineering & Design with over 3 years of experience
      James Quirin joined Wetland Studies and Solutions,   collection equipment and post-processing of GPS   flying drones for various types of surveys. He has
      Inc. in the spring of 2019 after previously working as a   observations. Since 2017, Mr. Rhodes taught classes   hundreds of hours operating complex unmanned
      reality capture manager and consultant in the surveying   as CCSU under the CALS continuing education   aircraft that carry specialized payloads including
      field. Mr. Quirin presently manages survey projects   aspect. Some of these classes were, Introduction to   LiDAR, RGB Cameras, Thermal Sensors, and
      for Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc., a Davey Tree   Land Surveying and Leveling Theory and Operations   Magnetometers. He has experience collecting multiple
      Company, and provides training within the office and for   for Surveying. Mr. Rhodes is currently a student at the   hundreds of acres of data in as little as one day. He is
      other clients nationwide. Mr. Quirin has been providing   University of Maine, working on his BA/Master’s in   the company’s internal trainer for Part 107 operations,
                                            Surveying Technology.                  as well as for external organizations.
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