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             Banking Sector: The Need for Stronger Data

             Protection and Cyber Security Capabilities

                   ecent cybersecurity attacks have been   cybersecurity preparedness, response, and
                   seen  to  focus on  hacking  personal   resiliency across the industry sector.
             Ror organizational data, and with the     The Kingdom of Bahrain now considers data
             current virtual living, it has exposed the data   privacy  and  cybersecurity  to  be  the  pillar  of
             universe to the risk of data breach. World over,   its economic success. In the recent years the
             the visionary data protection authorities have   Kingdom has enforced the Data Protection
             noticed that the entities, people, and data are   Law under Bahrain Law No. 30 of 2018 and
             dominant factors of increasing the likelihood   the regulator for banking industry, the Central
             of cyber-attacks and 2021 saw an increasing   Bank of Bahrain (CBB), have incorporated the
             number of data protection bills and laws passed   elements of data protection in their cybersecurity
             across numerous international jurisdictions.   risk management controls. One such big change
             These data protection bills and laws emphasized   was noticed when CBB amended its rulebook
             that the organizations and individuals should   volumes in July 2021 to expand the scope of
             increasingly understand the value and relevance   cyber security controls which are specific to
             of protecting individual’s data.          governance, monitoring and privacy.
             Today’s technologies that are ubiquitous,   To keep pace with the changing landscape,
             interconnected, and allow easy access to   the banking services providers should consider
             the Internet have become deeply integrated   an approach that is based on measuring and
             in everyday life. This continuing evolution of   planning for continual improvement in the areas
             cyberspace, as a fully electronic world created   of cyber security and privacy and incorporate
             by interconnected networks in parallel with   these areas in the cyber security strategy.
             our physical environment, is characterized by   They must also consider raising the level of
             an enormous amount of data. The regulators   preparedness and evolve into a new cyber risk
             are also noticing these complexities and   management paradigm that strives to achieve
             have expanded the scope of their controls to   fundamental qualities and secure the systems
             monitor and protect the data flow through these   through the design and implementation of
             technology mediums thus attempting to reduce   preventative, risk intelligent controls.
             the risks of cyber-attacks.               The strong leadership and team at Grant
             Banking industry collects personal data and   Thornton Bahrain bring deep experience
             sensitive data and are also known for deploying   and insight that builds on our Technology
             the best safeguards to protect the data held with   Advisory technical expertise. Our collaborative
             them. But the same best protected industry is the   culture enables us to bring this combination of
             primary data breach targets due to the perceived   capabilities to address the needs of our clients to
             value of the underlying data in form of personally   help create, protect, and transform value today,
             identifiable information (PII). In addition, mobile   so you have opportunity to thrive tomorrow.
             apps, internet banking, reliance on big data
             and the new technologies used in the industry   An Article from Grant Thornton Abdulaal
             increased the attack vectors and introduced
             new vulnerabilities. The risk associated with the
             technologies demand financial service providers   Responsibility for opinions expressed and the accuracy of
             to implement measures that shall improve their   facts published in this article rests solely with the author.
              32     Bahrain Banks Directory 2022
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