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(PRINCE) F.C.A Secretary General
Founder of ASP Auditing, Bahrain General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions
Dr. A.S. Elavarasan is a fellow Member of Institute of )CIBAFI(
Chartered Accountants of India. He has more than twenty Dr. Abdelilah BELATIK is Secretary General of the
year’s post qualification experience in the field of Auditing General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial
Accounting, Assurance and International Taxation. He Institutions (CIBAFI), an international organisation
Conducted Awareness Sessions for more than 2000 affiliated with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.
Companies all Over GCC for VAT Implementation and At the helm of CIBAFI, he brought the organisation to
Guidance. international arena by building working relationships
Founder and Partner of Auditing Companies with international multilateral institutions (United
Nations, IsDB, FSB, IMF, World Bank, etc.), international
• ASP Auditing - Bahraini Specialized Partnership Co. standard setting organisations (IFSB, BCBS, etc.) and
• ASP Auditing - Dubai, UAE regulatory and supervisory authorities. Dr. Abdelilah
• Elavarasan Chandrasekar & Co., is also Chairman and Founder of Turritopsis, the
Chennai & Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India Strategic Institute of Sustainable Development, Brussels,
Founder and Chairman of Consultancy Companies Belgium.
Dr. BELATIK is a multi-lingual finance professional
• ASPA Management Consultancy, Dubai, UAE
with twenty years of experience including in leadership
• ASPA Management Consultancy WLL, Bahrain
positions, in major financial centres from Europe,
• ASPA Advisory Pvt Limited, Chennai, India the United States, Asia and the Middle East. He was
• ASPA Advisory Pvt Limited, Singapore Assistant Secretary General at Islamic Financial
• ASPA Real Estate OAMS - Dubai, UAE Services Board (IFSB) where he led the preparation and
rollup of the IFSB’s Strategic Performance Plan (SPP)
• ASPA Management Consultancy and Collecting Tax - 2012 - 2015 in accordance with Integrated Result Based
Doha, Qatar
Management framework. He has worked for 9 years with
Industrial Experience PricewaterhouseCoopers in Luxembourg, New York, and
• Al Haramain Perfumes Mfg & Hong Kong, in the Assurance and Business Advisory
Oudh Processing Industry LLC Services, Financial Services practice.
• Al Mana Damas International LLC, Dubai, UAE Dr. BELATIK holds a Doctorate of Business Administration
and a Master’s degree in Applied Business Research
• Al Qatary Eleen, Sharjah, UAE
from Switzerland; Masters of Science in Business
Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Commercial
Sciences from Brussels – Belgium and a Certificate of
Artificial Intelligence from the University of Oxford, United
Kingdom. He has held and holds membership positions
in a number of international boards and committees,
including those of the International Assurance and
Auditing Standard Board (IAASB), the International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB), External Advisory
Group of the IMF, the Waqf Fund in Bahrain, and
the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic
Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). He is also member of
the Committee of the Royal Award for Islamic Finance
by the Securities Commission Malaysia and Central
Bank of Malaysia.
38 Bahrain Banks Directory 2022