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              DR. AHMED ABDULLA FARHAN                  AHMED FUAD DARWISH
              CEO & Founder                             Chief Executive Officer
              Al Farhan Attorney and Legal Consultants  BOK International, Kingdom of Bahrain
              Dr Ahmed’s Qualifications are Doctor of Philosophy, PhD,   Mr. Darwish is the CEO of BOK International, the flagship
              Public International Law, University of Glasgow, Scotland,   foreign branch of Bank of Khartoum strategically located
              United Kingdom. Master of Laws, LL.M, Public Law, Ain   in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Under his direction, BOKI has
              Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Bachelor of Law, LL.B,   developed  a  business  plan  to  become a  regional  hub
              University of the United  Arab Emirates,  Al  Ain, United   facilitating trade between Sudan and the rest of the
              Arab Emirates.                            world. Prior to his appointment as CEO, he held the
                                                        position of Regional CFO, where he was part of the team
              Current Positions                         that established BOKI in both Bahrain and the UAE.
              •   Legal Counsellor, Attorney before the Constitutional     Mr. Darwish has demonstrated a positive track record in
                 Court & the Court of Cassation, Managing Partner,    establishing Islamic Financial Institutions in the region.
                 Al Farhan Attorney & Legal Consultants Establishment     He commenced his career as an auditor in Ernst &
                 Since 2005.                            Young, where his key audit clients were in the Banking
              •   Certified Arbitrator,  GCC  Commercial Arbitration   industry. He later moved on to establish a CBB licensed
                 Centre, Kingdom of Bahrain, since 2003.  financial institution, “Tadhamon Capital” as its Director
              •   Certified lecturer, Constitution & Parliamentary Law,    of Finance and Operations. He also held the position of
                 Bahrain Institute for Political Development (BIPD),     Vice President of Financial Services in “Sage Capital”
                 since 2006.                            where he was an active board member in a number of
              •   Certified lecturer, Administrative & Constitution Law,   investments with a mission to represent and safeguard
                 Bahrain Institute of Public Administration (BIPA), since    the shareholders’ interests.
                2008.                                   He is a Certified Public Accountant and holds an active
              •   Certified lecturer, International Humanitarian &     CPA license by the State of New Hampshire, USA. He
                 Human Rights Law, National Institution for Human     is also a Certified Islamic Professional  Accountant,
                 Rights (NIHR), since 2010.             licensed by  AAOIFI and a graduate of University of
              •   Assistant Professor (Part Time), International Human   Bahrain. In terms of current Board memberships, he is
                 Rights Law, Ahlia University, since 2013.  the  Vice Chairman of the Islamic International Rating
              •   Certified lecturer in Law, The Judicial & Legal Studies   Agency, headquartered in the Kingdom of Bahrain
                 Institute, (JLSI), Ministry of Justice, Islamic affairs &    and recognized by The National Insurance Authority in
                 Waqf, since 2013.                      Sudan.
              •   Member of the American Society of International Law,    Q   AHMED JASSIM
                 (ASIL), since 1999.                       Founding Partner, Attorney
              •   Member of the Bahrain Bar Society, (BBS), since    AHALF
                                                        Q   AHMED MOUSA
                                                           General Manager
              Q   DR. AHMED AL JAWHARY                     The Saudi National Commercial Bank (SNCB)
                 Chief Executive Officer
                 J. Equity Partners B.S.C. (c)
                                                        Q   AHMED SAMEER
                                                           Managing Director
                                                           Art Translation & Consultancy W L L
                                                        Q   ALAIN GEORR
                                                           Branch Manager
                                                           Arabia Insurance Co. Ltd. S.A.L.
                                                        Q   ALAN JOHN HENRY
                                                           Managing Director
                                                           Miller International Loss Adjusters and Surveyors WLL
              42     Bahrain Banks Directory 2022
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