Page 46 - BBD 2022 - Full C
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                 Chief Executive Officer

                 HSBC Bank Middle East Limited - Retail Bank

                 Chief Executive Officer

                 Bahrain Advanced Technology Co WLL

                 Country Senior Partner
                 PricewaterhouseCoopers M.E.Limited
                Q   ELIAS ABI NAKHOUL
              Q   EMAN MOJALI
                 Chief Executive Officer                MR. FATHALLA EBRAHIM
                 Bahrain National  Insurance Co. Bsc (C)  Chief Executive Officer
                                                        Al Majd Insurance Brokerage Co. WLL
              Q   ENAS ASIRI
                 Chief Executive Officer                Mr. Fathalla Ebrahim has more than 20 years of
                 Bahrain National Life Assurance Co. Bsc (C)  insurance experience. He has occupied various technical,
                                                        managerial and executive positions with leading local,
              Q   DR. ESAM ABDULLA FAKHRO               regional and international insurance and reinsurance
                 Bahrain Islamic Bank (BisB)            companies.  He joined Al Majd Insurance Brokerage Co.
                                                        in  2017,  having  worked  prior  to  that  from  2011  to  2015
                                                        as General Manager of the Bahrain branch of Zurich
                                                        International Life Ltd.  Before joining Zurich, he was the
                                                        General Manager of Bahrain National Life  Assurance
                                                        Company (BNL) and held various senior positions in Arab
                                                        Insurance Group (ARIG).

                                                        Q   FUAD ALKAABI
                                                           Managing Partner
                                                           Horwath Bahrain

              ESSA AHMED AL-JOWDER
              Ernst & Young, Manama, Bahrain.
              Mr Essa Al-Jowder is the Country Managing Partner of
              EY Bahrain and is responsible for all the Assurance and
              Consulting services offered by the firm. Essa’s experience
              extends for thirty years in the professional services
              industry, twenty years of which with Ernst & Young. As
              Country Managing Partner, Essa is responsible for overall
              service quality and responsiveness to client requirements.
                                                        GARETH MILLS
              Q   EYAD HUSAIN                           Partner
                 Country Head & Partner                 Charles Russell Speechlys LLP )CRS(
                 Baker Tilly Bahrain
                                                        Gareth has been based in our Middle East offices since
                                                        2010 and advises on commercial dispute resolution,
              Q   FARAZ AZAM
                 General Manager                        regulatory and competition matters, international
                 United Bank Limited                    arbitrations and corporate restructuring with a particular
                                                        focus on the Financial Services and TMT sectors.
              Q   FAROOQ Y.  ALMOAYYED
                 Chairman                               Gareth has especial experience in international
                 Bahrain National Holding Co. B.S.C.    arbitrations having represented clients in LCIA,
                                                        UNICTRAL and ICC Arbitral proceedings across a range
                                                        of jurisdictions. Gareth also advises clients in relation to
                                                        regulatory compliance acting for licensees and regulators
                                                        across the GCC.
                                                        Gareth is admitted to practise in England and Wales.
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