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WHO'S WHO PROFILES                             Q   NABEEL AL SAIE

                                                           Executive Partner
                                                           Nabeel Al Saie - Public Accountants

                                                           NABEEL KOTRAN

                                                           Chief Executive Officer

                                                           Arab War Risks Insurance Syndicate (Awris)
                                                           NADA ALARADI
                                                           Al Manar Insurance & Reirsurance Brokers Co
              MURTUZ ZAMANLY                                 Managing Director
              Representative Officer, Deutsche Bank AG, Bahrain
              Murtuz Zamanly has been living in Bahrain for the past
              18 years working for several global financial institutions
              including BNP Paribas and Credit Suisse. Murtuz joined
              Deutsche Bank in August 2019.
              Murtuz’s main area of expertise is the Ultra High Net Worth
              (UHNW) client market segment. In his previous roles
              with other banks, he covered clients in Bahrain, Saudi
              Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE. He also worked closely with the
              banks’ other departments in providing individual clients   NADYA TALHOUNI
              and Family Offices with custom-tailored solutions for their   Country General Manager
              personal and business needs including European and US   Arab Bank PLC, Bahrain
              real estate and private jet financing.    Ms. Nadya Talhouni has enjoyed an extensive banking
              Prior to arriving in Bahrain in 2004, Murtuz studied, lived   career with her most recent role being the Country General
              and worked in the United States for 12 years. Born and   Manager for Arab Bank plc – Bahrain, which she started in
              raised in Baku, Azerbaijan he moved to the United States   November 2020.  Prior to moving to Bahrain, she served
              in 1992 to pursue his University studies.  as Global Head of Transactional Banking at Arab Bank’s
              Murtuz holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration,   Head Office in Amman, Jordan.  Ms. Talhouni has held a
              1996 and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, 1994 from   number of varying positions at Arab Bank as well as other
              the University of Oregon in Eugene, OR, USA where he   financial Institutions and continues to hold board positions.
              was a Fulbright Scholar. In his spare time, in addition to
              spending time with his family, Murtuz plays golf and goes   Q   NAIDU J. PEMMASANI

                                                           Managing Partner
              to the gym. He is also a big fan of College Football and      SVC Auditing & Tax Consultants
              the University of Oregon Athletics in general. Murtuz is a
              native speaker of Russian, Azeri and English languages   Q   NAJLA AL SHIRAWI
              and he also speaks conversational Turkish and French      Chief Executive Officer
              and a little bit of Arabic.                  SICO BSC (C)
              Murtuz’s role as the Representative Officer is to serve   Q   NAVEED A. JEDDY
              as the first point of contact and ambassador for          Managing Partner
              Deutsche Bank’s clients in Bahrain. He can be reached      SRCO, Kingdom of Bahrain
              at +973 3971 0070.
                                                        Q   NIDHAL ALQARI
                                                           Operations Officer
                                                           American Life Insurance Company (Metlife)
                                                        Q   NIGEL G BROUGH
                                                           Secure Cash Processing B.S.C (c)
                                                        Q   OMAR MUSTAFA ANSARI
                                                           Secretary General
                                                           Accounting & Auditing Organisation For Islamic Financial
                                                           Institutions (Aaoifi)
                                                        Q   ORHAN BUKLU
                                                           Branch Manager
                                                           Denizbank A.S.
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