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Partner Group Chief Executive Officer
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP )CRS( )Al Salam Bank(
Rafik Nayed is a seasoned banker with over 28 years of
Paula heads up our regional team and specialises in international and regional experience.
construction, engineering and projects across the Middle
East region. She has lived and worked in Bahrain since Prior to joining Al Salam Bank in April 2018 as Group
2006. Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr. Nayed served as Vice
Chairman of the Middle East and North African (MENA)
Her extensive experience includes real estate and region and Chief Country Officer of Deutsche Bank, United
development/ residential, infrastructure/ utilities, oil/ gas, Arab Emirates; following his tenure as Senior Executive
power/ water, green/ renewable energy, hotels, leisure Officer of Deutsche Bank AG Dubai, DIFC. Besides his
and tourism, industrial/ manufacturing and commercial, regional executive experience, which includes serving as
education, healthcare, major social infrastructure/ roads the CEO of the Libyan Investment Authority.
and transport. Mr. Nayed’s diverse background of international leading
She works for clients in the private and public sectors positions, which span across investment banking,
including government and regulatory. Her portfolio nalso corporate finance, asset management and private equity;
includes various project stakeholders including employers also comprises veteran experience in the oil and gas
and developers, lenders and investors, contractors, industry.
subcontractors, consultants and specialist procurement Currently, Rafik is the Chairman of Gulf African Bank,
and supply chain. She is renowned in market as a 360 the Chairman of MEC Ventures, the Chairman of Al
degree projects lawyer with non-contentious advisory at Salam Bank Algeria and serves as a board member of Al
the front end of a project and contentious advisory at the Salam Bank Seychelles. He holds a Master of Business
back end such as dispute management and resolution Administration (MBA) from London Business school and
advisory services including litigation and arbitration. an MA in Finance from Webster University, Geneva.
Bahrain projects that Paula has worked on include Riffa Q RAFIQ JAFFER
Views, Bahrain Marina, Reef Island, Durrat Al Bahrain, Partner, Banking & finance )Bahrain, KSA and UAE(
Bahrain National Assembly, Bahrain Bay, Four Seasons Al Tamimi & Company
Hotel, Arcapita HQ, @Bahrain, Diyar Al Muharraq,
Investment Gateway, Dilmunia, Bahrain Airport, King
Abdullah Medical City, SULB Wharf, Bapco BMP, ALBA
Potline 6, EWA Water Towers Regeneration, Muharraq
STP, Al Fateh Corniche Road, Al Dur Phase 2, Tubli STP,
LNG Terminal, Future Generation Reserve HQ, National
Exhibition & Conference Centre.
Paula assisted the Bahrain Ministry of Works in drafting
and publication of its Standard Suite Construction
Contracts (2009 Edition) (FIDIC based), which remain in Your most effective way to capture the
circulation and use as a matter of best practice in Bahrain Banking & Finance segments in the
projects. entire region
Paula is also the Vice Chair of the Bahrain British Business
Forum alongside Chairman Khalid Al Zayani OBE.
Senior Partner
Zubi & Partners Attorneys & Legal Consultants
50 Bahrain Banks Directory 2022