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              SAMER SOLIMAN                             SH ALI BIN ABDULLA BIN HAMAD AL-
              Chief Executive officer                   KHALIFA
              Arab Financial Services )AFS(             Chairman
                                                        SADAD Electronic Payment System BSc.
              Samer Soliman is the Chief Executive officer of  Arab
              Financial Services (AFS) and is responsible for the overall   Sh. Ali Bin Abdulla Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa has more than
              strategic financial, and operational performance of the   35 years of illustrious business experience in the Kingdom
              organization and works in partnership with the Chairman,   of Bahrain. He has astute business sense and farsighted
              Board members and shareholders on the implementation   vision which enable him to achieve many business
              and achievement of the organization’s current and future   successes and by default a natural entrepreneur.
              strategic commitments.                    Sh. Ali Bin Abdulla Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa is commonly
              Samer is a thought leader with over 20 years of   seen as an innovator - a generator of new ideas and
              international experience across the banking and   business processes. His Management skills and strong
              payments sector. He brings a unique blend of payments,   team building abilities are often perceived as essential
              technical, and regional expertise to  the  role  of  CEO at   leadership attributes for successful businessman.
              AFS. Prior to joining AFS, Samer was Managing Director,   Several times he succeeded in converting a new idea
              Middle  East of Network  International where  he led  the   or invention into a successful innovation across markets
              regional Issuing and  Acquiring business and played a   and industries, simultaneously creating new products and
              key role in the continued organization growth strategy   new business models.
              across the Middle East. During his tenure at Network
              International Samer was one of the leading members in   Q   SH. ABDULLA BIN KHALIFA AL KHALIFA

                                                           Chief Executive Officer
              two acquisitions and four joint ventures.     Osool Assets Managment Co. B.S.C (c)
              As  part of  his  ongoing  commitment  to  fintech and
              developing future leaders, Samer is a Board Advisor to   Q   SH. KHALIFA BIN DUAIJ AL KHALIFA
              Sarwa Digital Wealth Limited, a Member of the Advisory      Bahrain Middle East Bank B.S.C.
              Council of eCommerce enabler Zbooni, and fintech
              startup Jingle Pay. Samer also serves as  a  Board  of   Q   SHAHZAD HUSAIN
              Director to LNDDO, and a Board Member  of SP Jain      General Manager- Head of Overseas Branches
              Global School of Management.                 Bank Al Habib Limited
              Samer holds a Master’s degree in Leading Innovation and   Q   SHAJ BABU
              Change from Robert Kennedy College in Switzerland, in      Chief Executive Officer
              partnership with York St John University in England.     JULIUS BAER (BAHRAIN) B.S.C. (C)

              Q   SAMIR RABADI                          Q   SHAMS SADIQ AL BAHARNA
                 Chief Operating Officer                   Managing Partner
                 HSBC BANK MIDDLE EAST LIMITED             RSM Bahrain
              Q   SAYED HASAN AL-YOUSUF
                 Alyousuf Exchange


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