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              WAJDI AL JALLAD                           YUSUF ISMAIL MUDHAFAR ALI
              Managing Director                         Founder Partner & Chairman
              Keypoint Group                            Mudhaffar Public Accountant
              Having started his career in professional advisory services   Mr Yusuf  Ismail Mudhafar  is the  Founder Partner  and
              in 1995 with a ‘Big 4’ firm, Wajdi founded the Keypoint   Chairman at Mudhaffar Public Accountant. He has more
              group in 2006. Under his direction, the Keypoint group   than 36 years of auditing experience with international
              has developed into a multi-location service provider,   top  four  audit  firms, as  in  charge  auditor and  part  of
              offering an unrivalled range of professional business   management of the audit firms. His experience extended
              advisory services – from trust and fund administration   to cover most of the big banks, insurance companies,
              to  accounting  and  tax  solutions  -  to  clients  across  the   and main industries in the region with vast experience
              region. Extensively involved in all of Keypoint’s service   in almost all industries operating in region national and
              lines, Wajdi is responsible for setting Keypoint’s strategic   multinational companies extended too many industrial
              direction and for assuring the quality of its services to
              clients.                                  countries in the world. He was claiming leader to reach
                                                        one of the technical decisions maker in most assignments.
              As managing director of the Keypoint group, his primary   He occupied key positions in the government offices
              business focus includes advising clients on structuring   in the region and become one of the main decisions
              (and re-structuring) businesses - including trusts, funds,   making, planning strategically, and budgeting including
              joint ventures and limited liability entities – and their   operational and directorial reassessing and evaluating
              ongoing administration and compliance with Bahrain’s   the targets set by the top policy makers. He was also
              business regulations and legislation. A bilingual Bahraini   an authorized signatory in behalf of the Board including
              national,  Wajdi fosters close relationships with key   the cheques of Bahrain Promotion and Marketing Board
              decision makers – helping him to develop an unmatched   (Later called Bahrain Development Board – Part of
              regional network – and has a deep understanding of
              regional statutory frameworks and differing corporate   Bahrain Government setup). Court appointee on a case
              cultures and needs.                       between Bahrain Islamic Investment Company and Ernst
                                                        & Young (EY), his report was honored and final verdict
                                                        issued accordingly by the courts in Bahrain. Custodian
              Q   YASSER AL JAR
                 Chief Executive Officer                appointee by courts in Bahrain on Jaweed Factories for
                 Inovest B.S.C.                         almost ten years, and many more including Don Vito Café
                                                        and many others.
              Q   YASSIR ALBAHARNA
                 Group CEO                              He is a Certified Public Accountant from State of Illinois
                 Trust International Ins & Re-Ins Co BSC (C)  and obtained recognition qualification from University
                                                        of Illinois in fulfillment all requirements prescripts and
              Q   YOGESH PATIL                          evaluated for him to attend the university faculty at a
                 Boston Brooks                          time. He holds  Advanced Level Diploma in Banking
                                                        Certificated, Licensed  ACL (Computer  Auditor), and
                                                        holds many insurance and reinsurance experience and
                                                        recognition including in charge audit manager in Public
                                                        Shareholding company called Bahrain International
                                                        Insurance Company (Liquidated) and Bahrain Islamic
                                                        Insurance Company.

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