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           CEO & Director                            General Manager, M/s. Interlock, Kingdom of Bahrain
                                                     Mr. S. G. SENTHIL KUMARA MURUGAN Civil Engineering
           Mr. Rashed  Al-Snan has established and joined   professional and had been working with M/s. INTERLOCK
           and the CEO of a telecommunication’s company   since 2018. He has 34 years of overall experience as a
           known as Etisalcom Bahrain Company  W.L.L. in   Contractor in  executing  projects related  to  Sewerage,
           August 2005 having worked for over 31 years in    Drainage, Roads, Industrial, Water & Reclamation works
           Bahrain Telecommunications  Company  (Batelco). This   in Bahrain and India. Good knowledge and experience in
           experience in the telecommunication industry started as   project & construction management, contract conditions,
           a technician trainee in July 1973 with Batelco and as a   specifications, planning, programming, scheduling,
           telecommunications Engineer in 1980 and an Executive   implementation, quantity surveying, cost control,
           Director in 1999 establishing an ISP in the Kingdom of   subcontractor management, variation claims, contract
           Saudi Arabia.
                                                     documentation, project handing over works etc. and
           Mr.  Al-Snan is currently a board of director member   familiar in coordination with service authorities & Traffic
           in Etisalcom Bahrain and a board member in several   Management.
           societies and committees including Bahrain Technology
           Companies (BTECH), Internet Society, Bahrain Chapter,   Q   SAAD OSSEIRAN
           Technology Committee  in Bahrain  Chamber, and  Arab      Managing Director & CEO
           ICT Union.                                   Credit Suisse AG, Bahrain Branch
           Mr.  Al-Snan has a Master in Business  Administration   Q   SADDEK OMER EL KABER
           (MBA) in Marketing from Bahrain University and a Bachelor      Chairman
           Degree of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics from      Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C.)
           Plymouth  University,  UK.  Mr.  Al-Snan  was  awarded  in
           2001 by HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum,   Q   SAEED ABDULNABI DHAIF

           Crown Prince of UAE and UAE Defense Minister, the      Dhaif Insurance Agency
           e-achiever of the year award from Arabian
           for his work in the joint venture between Batelco (Bahrain)   Q   SAEL AL WAARY
           and Jeraisy Computers (Saudi Arabia).        Chairman
                                                        Arab Financial Services Co
           Q   RIMA KAISSI
                 Director of Development             Q   SALAM GAMOAH
              D3 Consultants                            Chief Executive Officer
                                                        Bank Of Jordan-Bahrain Wholesale Banking
           Q   ROD ALLDERIDGE                        Q   SAM THOMAS
              General Manager                           Managing Director
              Nexus Financial Services W.L.L
                                                        Aloala Information Technology
                                                     Q   SAMEER AL WAZZAN
                                                        Group Chief Executive
                                                        Bahrain National Holding Co. BSC


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