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                                                        JEAN-CHRISTOPHE DURAND
              JASSIM ABDULAAL
              Managing Partner                          Chief Executive Officer of National Bank of Bahrain
              Grant Thornton Abdulaal                   Mr.  Jean-Christophe  Durand joined  the National Bank
              Our leadership brings deep experience and insight   of Bahrain (NBB) as the CEO in December 2016 with
              that builds on our technical expertise. Our collaborative   a focus on reinforcing and expanding the Bank’s role
              culture enables us to bring this combination of capabilities   as a driver for economic growth and development. Mr.
              to address the needs of our clients to help create, protect,   Durand brings over 39 years of international and regional
              and transform value today, so you have opportunity to   banking and finance experience gained from senior
              thrive tomorrow.                          leadership roles at leading global banking institutions, 33
                                                        years of which were in the GCC. Mr. Durand graduated
              Jassim, the Managing Partner of Grant Thornton Abdulaal,
              has over 32 years of experience in the fields of audit and   from ESSEC Business School (Ecole Superieure des
              business assurance, investigation, due diligence, and   Sciences Economiques et Commerciales) in Paris. Prior
              special advisory for local and multinational clients. His   to taking on the role of CEO of NBB, he was the regional
              geographical experience spans across UK and MENA   CEO of BNP Paribas for Middle East and Africa, and was
              region. He served as a member of Bahrain Parliament   responsible for Corporate and Institutional Banking and
              for 4 years, acting as Chairman and Vice Chairman of the   Asset Management, and served on the board of a retail
              Finance & Economic Committee. He is responsible for the   bank owned by the BNP Paribas group. He holds several
              delivery and quality of our services, and for achieving the   Board positions locally and regionally, including sitting
              company goals and growth plans. He is responsible for   on the boards of Gulf Air, Bahrain Telecommunications
              the delivery and quality of our services provided to clients   Company (Batelco) and Bahrain Islamic Bank. He serves
              and achieving the firm’s goals and growth plans and leads     as the Chairman of Batelco’s Audit Committee, Chairman
              the Grant Thornton Bahrain office. He is responsible for   of BisB’s Executive Committee and is a member of the
              over 160 staff and 11 Partners and Directors, ensuring the   Human Resources Committee at Gulf Air. Additionally, he
              firm is in line with Grant Thornton’s international strategy   is the Chairman for Umniah Telecommunication Company
              and high quality standards set globally.   in  Jordan  and  the  Director  of  the  Bahrain  Institute  of
              Professional Qualification                Banking and Finance (BIBF). Mr. Durand was awarded
              FCA - England and Wales- UK               the ‘Legion d’ Honneur’ by the Government of France.
              Area of Expertise                         Q   DR. JOSEPH TORBEY
              Audit and  Assurance | Investigation | Due Diligence |      Chairman
              Special Advisory                             Credit Libanais S.A.L.
              Industry                                  Q   JUNAID KASABATI
              • Government                                 Chief Financial Officer
              •  Financial Services                        Tariic Holding Co
              •   Education                             Q   DR KHALED ABDULLA
              •   Services &Trading                        General Manager
              •  Manufacturing                             Eskan Bank
              •   Hospitality
              •   FMCG                                  Q   KHALED AL BALOOSHI
                                                           Regional Manager

              •   Real Estate & Construction               The Housing Bank for Trade & Finance
              •   Media & Telecom
              •  Utilities                              Q   KHALID AL AWADHI
                                                           Managing Director
                                                           United Gulf Insurance Brokers
                 Q   KHALID AL DOSERI
                                                           Vice Chairman
                                                           Al-Doseri Investment
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