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                                                        BAHRAIN MUMTALAKAT HOLDING COMPANY
                                                        P.O.Box   :  820
                                                        Tel       :  17 561111
                                                        Fax       :  1756 1109

                  BAHRAIN ASSOCIATION OF
                          BANKS (BAB)
                                                              GENERAL COUNCIL FOR
              P.O.Box   :  1034                          ISLAMIC BANKS AND FINANCIAL
              Address   :  NBB Tower, Office 141, Floor 14
                         Building 113, Road 383, Block 316     INSTITUTIONS (CIBAFI)
                         Government Avenue
                         Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain     P.O. Box   :  24456
              Telephone  :  1782 3000                   Address   :  Jeera Tower III Office 51, Building 657,
              Fax      :  1782 0700                                 Road 2811, Block 428, Manama,
              Email    :                    Kingdom of Bahrain
              Website   :         Telephone  :  17357300
              Instagram  :  banks_bahrain               Fax       :  17324902
                                                        E-mail    :
              Management                                Website   :
              Chairman                                  Instagram  :  Cibafi_
               Adnan Ahmed Yousif                       Other
                                                        social media :  CIBAFI
               President & CEO                          Licence   :  Non-profit organisation
               Lemrair Consultancy Company W.L.L.       Activity   :  CIBAFI is an international non-profit
              Chief Executive Officer                   organisation founded in 2001 by the Islamic Development
               Dr. Waheed Al Qassim                     Bank (IsDB) and a number of leading Islamic financial
              Activity:                                 institutions. CIBAFI is affiliated with the Organisation of
              The Bahrain Association of Banks (BAB) was established   Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
              by a Ministerial decree in 1979, and registered under the   With over 130 members from more than 34 jurisdictions all
              central Bank of Bahrain in 2010. BAB brings together   around the world, CIBAFI is recognised as a key piece in
              financial institutions of all sizes and charters in the   the international architecture of Islamic finance.
              Kingdom of Bahrain and works towards enhancing Bahrain   Its mission is to support the Islamic financial services
              image as the financial hub of the Middle East.  industry (IFSI)  by  providing  specific activities and
              BAB provides an open forum where banks can come   initiatives, aiming to strengthening the growth of the
              together to collectively discuss and solve their shared   industry, deepening Shariah objectives in financial
              problems. BAB is also actively engaged in promoting   dealings and transactions, and facilitate cooperation
              banking conferences, exhibitions and seminars that bring   between members and institutions of common interest.
              overseas  banking  delegations  to  Bahrain  and  create   CIBAFI is guided by its 4 Strategic Objectives, which are:
              business opportunities for all members.   1) Advocacy of Islamic Finance Values and Related
                                                        Policies & Regulations; 2) Sustainability and Innovation
              BAHRAIN BOURSE                            Integration; 3) Industry Research and Analysis; and
              P.O.Box   :   3203                        4) Professional Development.
              Tel       :   17108780
              Fax       :   17256362                    Management
              BAHRAIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD        Secretary General
              P.O.Box   :   11299                       Dr. Abdelilah Belatik
              Tel       :   1758 9999                   +973 17357300
              Fax       :   1758 9900                   Director - Administration and Finance
                                                        Zainab Hassan Al Owainaty
              P.O.Box   :   20525                       +973 17357309
              Tel       :   17815555                    Head of Strategic Planning and Operations
              Fax       :   1772 9928                   Maribel Lim
                                                        +973 17357302
              BAHRAIN INSURANCE ASSOCIATION             Departments
              P.O.Box   :   2851
              Tel       :   1753 2555                   Administration, HR, and Finance
              Fax       :   1753 6006                   +973 17357303
              58     Bahrain Banks Directory 2021
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