P. 7

A Trade Example:

               You think that the Euro will rise against the Dollar so you “Ask” the EUR-USD Currency pair. You are
               correct, the price rises and you close the trade.

                       The EUR/USD was trading at 1.2750 when you asked (bought) it.

                       The EUR/USD was trading at 1.2890 when you bid (sold) it.

                       You bought at 1.2750 and sold at 1.2890 for a profit of 0.0140 or 140 pips.

                       If your trade had been worth $100,000 each pip would have been worth $10.

                       On 140 pips X $10 you would make a $1,400 profit.

               In Forex, you also have the opportunity to short sell (Bid first) a currency pair if you think it will fall in

                                                Another Trade Example:

               If you had thought that the Euro was going to fall relative to the U.S. Dollar, you would have Bid on
               the EUR/USD currency pair. Again, you were correct and you closed your position for a profit.

                       The EUR/USD was trading at 1.2760 when you bid it.

                       The EUR/USD was trading at 1.2610 when you sold it.

                       You sold at 1.2760 and closed your position at 1.2610 for a profit of 0.0150 or 150 pips.

                       Again your position was $100,000 making each pip worth $10.

                       150 pips X $10 = $1,500 profit.

               Remember that these are profitable examples.

                  Always evaluate your positions carefully; ending up on the wrong side of a trade can be very
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