Page 567 - Physics Coursebook 2015 (A level)
P. 567

absolute zero, 333–4
absorption line spectra, 475–6
acceleration, 15–17, 18–20, 38–9
acceleration, and projectiles, 29–31
acceleration, due to gravity, 25–7, 41–3
acceleration, in equations of motion, 20–3
acceleration, non-uniform, 24
acceleration, of free fall, 41–3
acceleration, uniform, 24
acceleration–time graphs, 292–3
acoustic impedance, 519–20
air columns, and observation of stationary waves, 213–15 air resistance, 42–6, 298, 445
alpha-decay, 229, 231, 232, 490–1, 494, 496–8 alpha-particles, 223–5, 231, 232–3, 234
alpha-radiation, 233, 234
alpha-scattering, 223–5
alternating currents, 416–27, 452–6
alternating currents, from generators, 446
alternating currents, in electricity supply, 457
alternating currents, in transformers, 446, 458–9 alternating currents, rectification of, 460–1
alternating voltages, 453–5, 457, 460
alternating voltages, in electricity supply, 457 aluminium, as absorber of radiation, 234
ammeters, 129, 136
ampere, as SI base unit, 40
ampere, definition of, 131, 416
amplifiers, inverting, 397
amplifiers, non-inverting, 398
amplifiers, operational (op-amps), 393–8
amplitude, and damping, 297–9
amplitude, and intensity, 182
amplitude, and resonance, 299–301
amplitude, angular, 245
amplitude, of alternating current, 452
amplitude, of alternating voltage, 453
amplitude, of oscillations, 288, 291, 293, 295
amplitude, of particle vibrations, 162,
amplitude, of signals on an oscilloscope, 454
amplitude, of stationary waves, 211–12, 213
amplitude, of waves, 179–80, 182–3, 196, 197–8, 521 amplitude modulation (AM), 310–11, 313–4
AM transmissions, 311, 313–14
analogue meters, 400
analogue signals, 314–15
analogue-to-digital conversion (ADC), 315–17 angle, of alpha-scattering, 224
angle, of diffraction, 204, 205–6
angles, in circular motion, 259
angles, measured in radians, 260
angles, uncertainty in measurement of, 243 angular displacement, 259–60, 261
angular frequency, 292, 294, 452, 523
angular momentum, 88
angular velocity, 261–2, 264, 523
antimatter, 230-1
antinodes, 212–3, 216
atomic structure, 223–6
atoms, 42, 130, 476, 478–9
atoms, and elastic potential energy, 108 atoms, and ionising radiation, 509–10
atoms, and radioactivity, 497
atoms, as impurities, 162
attenuation, 315–19, 320, 323, 509–12 attraction, between currents, 415
attraction, electrostatic force of, 117, 361, 366 attraction, gravitational force of, 274, 277, 366 Avogadro constant (or number), 349, 354, 543
balanced equations, 5–6, 96, 490 balanced forces, 44–5, 60, 428–9 balanced potentiometer, 173
bandwidth, 312–4, 320, 321–3, 394, 396–7 Barton’s pendulums, 299–300
base stations, 279
base units, 40, 416, 542
beta-decay, 80, 231–2, 490, 494, 500 beta-particles, 231–3 beta-radiation, 234
binding energy, 494–6
Boyle’s law, 349–50, 354
braking radiation, 508–9 Bremsstrahlung radiation, 508–9 bridge rectifier, 460
Brownian motion, 346–7
calibration, 242, 335, 400
capacitance, 373–82
capacitors, 129, 373–82, 393, 461, 535
carrier waves, 310–14
cathode-ray oscilloscopes (c.r.o.), 180, 453–4

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