Page 568 - Physics Coursebook 2015 (A level)
P. 568
Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics
cell phone network see mobile phone network cells, electrical, 129, 169–70
centre of gravity, 41–2, 59, 381
centripetal acceleration, 262–4, 265 centripetal forces, 262–4, 265–6, 277–9, 425 changes of state, 328–30, 336, 338
channels of communication, 317–23 charge, electrostatic, 117–122
charge, on electron, 132, 231,426, 430, 436 charge, on proton, 231
charge carriers, 130–1, 132–4, 429
charge storage, 374
charge-to-mass ratio of electron, 426, 430 charged particles, 117–9, 122, 430, 470, 509 charges, orbiting, 425–6
charges, point, 360–2
Charles’s law, 350–1
circuit design, 144
circuit symbols and diagrams, 128–9 circular motion, 259–66, 292 circular orbits, 264, 278–9, 417, 425 climbing bars, 78–9
clocks, pendulum, 251–2
closed systems, 79, 88
coaxial cables, 317, 319–20
coherence, 199–200
collimated beam, 508, 510, 512
collisions, as a cause of pressure, 48, 352–4 collisions, between gas particles, 346–8, 352–4 collisions, elastic, 89–90
collisions, in particle acclerators, 230 collisions, inelastic, 89–91
collisions, of objects, 86–90 combining displacements, 8–10 combining forces, 54–6
combining velocities, 10
combining waves, 193–4
compressive forces, 296, 332, 349–50, 389–90 computer-aided design (CAD), 144
computerised axial tomography (CAT or CT), 513–6 conductance, 380
conduction, and band theory, 478–9
conduction, of electricity, 117, 130–2, 157, 162, 470 , 478–9 conduction, of thermal energy, 333, 339–40
conduction electrons, 130, 132–4, 162, 388–9, 439, 443 conductors, 129, 132, 136, 157–8, 160, 163, 185–6, 320,
409–15, 429, 437–9, 443–5
conservation, mass–energy, 492–3
conservation of charge, 144, 379
conservation of energy, 79–80, 90, 148, 296, 332, 444, 492
conservation of mass, 491–2
conservation of momentum, 88, 90–1
constant, Avogadro, 349, 354, 543
constant, Boltzmann, 354–5, 543
constant, decay, 498–9, 501, 544
constant, force (of spring), 104–5
constant, gravitational (G), 273, 276, 543
constant, Planck, 469, 470–1, 480, 543
constant, universal molar gas, 351
constant of proportionality, 96, 294, 351, 361, 441 constant phase difference, 200–1
constructive interference, 196–9, 201, 202–3, 204
contact force, 47–9, 54, 56–7, 265–6
contrast media, 513
conventional current, 129–30, 374, 410, 423–4, 439, 443 Coulomb’s law, 360–7
count rate, 496–7, 498, 500
couple, 63
crash-landings, 91–2
crosslinking, 317
crystals, piezo-electric, 517–8
current, conventional, 129–30, 374, 410, 423–4, 439, 443 current–voltage (I–V) characteristic, 157–8
currents, alternating, 416–27, 452–6
currents, electric, 40, 117, 129–34, 160, 185, 289, 423, 428,
443, 479, 542
currents, root-mean-square (r.m.s.), 455–7 currents, sinusoidal, 416–27, 452–6 curved trajectory, 122
damped oscillations, 297–9
damping, 298–9, 301, 518
damping, critical, 301
damping, eddy current, 445
de Broglie wavelength, 480
decay, spontaneous, 497
decay constant, 498–9, 501, 544
decay graphs and equations, 298, 499–501 deformation, plastic, 107–8
density, 102, 103, 354, 542
density, and acoustic impedance, 519
density, magnetic flux, 411–3, 414, 416, 424–5, 428, 523, 524 density, nuclear, 226
density, number, 132–4
derived units, 40, 416
destructive interference, 197–9
dielectrics, 373–4
difference, potential (p.d.), 134–7, 146, 151, 157–8, 160, 170,
172–4, 319–20, 363–5, 373–4, 393–6, 470 diffraction, 194, 196, 202–6, 468, 480–1