Page 569 - Physics Coursebook 2015 (A level)
P. 569
Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics
energy, kinetic, 71, 76–7, 79, 89, 90–2, 233–4, 296–7, 426, 444, 470, 473–4, 494, 508
energy, mass–, 492–3
energy, of electrons, 478–9
energy, of photons, 477
energy, potential, 75
energy, strain, 108
energy, units of, 72, 138, 148, 363, 377, 416, 470, 492–3 energy, wave, 182–3
energy changes, 77–8, 296–7, 329–331, 336–9, 363, 470, 492 energy conservation, 79–80, 90, 148, 332, 492–3
energy graphs, 296–7
energy levels, 476–7
energy storage, 373–6, 494
energy transfers, 78–80,
energy transformations, 70
equation, wave, 183, 213–4, 469
error bars, 537–8
errors, parallax, 240, 242, 250, 426
errors, percentage, 203
errors, random, 26, 242, 244
errors, reducing and eliminating, 217–8
errors, systematic, 26, 27, 218, 242, 244
errors, zero, 241, 242, 253
evaporation, 330–1
explosions, 91–2
exponential decay, 298, 389, 499–500, 510, 520, 523, 535 exponential envelope, 297
Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, 441–2 feedback, negative, 396–7
field of force, 118, 360, 407
fields, electric, 75, 117–22, 130, 188, 225, 233, 360–7, 417 fields, gravitational, 45, 75, 122, 272–80, 363, 366–7, 417, 523 fields, magnetic, 118, 157, 185–6, 188, 233, 399, 407–17,
first law of thermodynamics, 332
fission, nuclear, 496
Fleming’s left-hand (motor) rule, 409–10, 411, 416, 423–5,
Fleming’s right-hand (generator) rule, 438, 443
fluid resistance, 45–7
fluoroscopy, 511
flux, magnetic, 399, 439–40, 441–2, 446–7
flux density, magnetic, 411–3, 414, 416, 424–6, 428–9, 437,
523, 524
flux linkage, magnetic, 439–40, 441–2, 446–7 FM transmission, 311–12, 313–4
force, and acceleration, 38–9
force, centripetal, 262–6, 278
force, contact, 47, 48, 49, 57
force, drag, 44, 45
force, electric, 130, 133, 351, 360, 367, 417, 429–30, 484 force, electromagnetic, 186
force, electromotive (e.m.f.), 134, 169–74, 335, 373–4, 399,
437–9, 453, 458
force, field of, 118, 360, 407
force, frictional, 43, 266, 299
force, gravitational, 28, 29, 41–3, 59, 75, 272–7, 367 force, magnetic, 407–17, 423–8, 429–30, 438–9
force, moment of a, 60
force, normal, 102
force, nuclear, 229, 230, 232, 491, 494
force, restoring, 290
force, resultant, 38, 44, 54, 55–7, 96, 292
force, strong nuclear, 229, 230, 232, 491, 494
force, viscous, 45
force, weak nuclear, 232
force–extension graphs, 104–9
force meters, 242, 252–3
forced oscillations, 286–7
forces, 28, 49–50, 54–5, 71–2, 76, 88, 95, 302, 348, 353 forces, balanced, 44–5, 60, 61–2, 96, 428–9
forces, compressive, 104
forces, coplanar, 54–8
forces, identifying, 47
forces, tensile, 104–9
forces, triangle of, 55
forces, unbalanced, 44–5, 262, 290
free electrons see electrons, conduction
free fall, 535
free fall, acceleration of, 41–3
free oscillations, 286–7
free-body force diagram, 58
frequency, 180, 183, 186, 200, 211–15, 286, 288, 293–5,
299–300, 312–3, 320–1
frequency, angular, 292, 294, 452, 523
frequency, carrier wave, 310
frequency, fundamental, 216
frequency, Larmor, 523
frequency, natural, 286, 287, 299
frequency, observed, 184–5
frequency, resonance, 301
frequency modulation (FM), 196, 311–12, 313–14 friction, 43, 266, 299
fringe separation, 202–3
fundamental frequency, 216
fundamental mode of vibration, 216
fuses, electrical, 137
fusion, nuclear, 496