Page 571 - Physics Coursebook 2015 (A level)
P. 571
Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics
magnetic forces, 407–17, 423–8, 429–30, 438–9 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 522–5 magnets, 97, 157, 407–16, 423, 436–47, 524 magnitude, of electric charge, 131
magnitude, of forces, 48–9, 54–5, 60, 294, 414, 425 magnitude, of induced e.m.f., 441
magnitude, of momentum, 90, 93
magnitude, of scalar and vector quantities, 4, 10, 261 magnitude, orders of, 133, 187, 483
mass, 38–9
mass, and density, 102
mass, and gravitational forces, 272–4
mass, and inertia, 43–4
mass, and momentum, 87–8, 95–6
mass, and weight, 42–3, 75
mass, as SI base unit, 39–40
mass, electron, 223, 231
mass, proton, 226
mass, relative atomic, 228
mass defect, 492
mass–energy conservation, 232, 492–3 mass–energy equation, 492
mass number, 226
mass–spring system, 287–90
masses, point, 272–4, 276
matter, 102–3, 223, 230, 509–10
mechanical waves, 180–3
medical imaging, 507–25
Melde’s experiment, 213–5
metallic conductors, 136, 157–8
metal-wire strain gauge, 389–90
microwave links, 317, 320–2
microwave transmitters, 199, 214
microwaves, 187, 196, 214, 320–2, 469, 507 microwaves, interference of, 199
Millikan’s oil-drop experiment, 430
mobile phone network, 196
mobile phones, 196, 315, 321, 360
model, plum pudding, 225
molecular energy, 331–2, 354–5
molecules, 331–3, 346–9, 351–4
moments of forces, 60–3
momentum, angular, 88
momentum, linear, 86–97, 232, 348, 353, 426, 480 monochromatic light, 202–3, 204
Moon, 41, 42, 272, 279
motion in two dimensions, 328–31
motion sensors, 4, 19–20, 291
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 407–17, 423–8,
429–30, 438–9
musical instruments, 216, 289, 301
natural frequency, 286, 287, 299
negative feedback, 396–7
negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors, 159,
161, 391
neutron number, 226–7, 490–1
neutrons, 117, 132, 225–7, 491–2, 494, 495
newtons, 72–3
Newton’s first law of motion, 96, 262
Newton’s law of gravitation, 273–4
Newton’s second law of motion, 38–9, 57, 96–7, 264–5, 353 Newton’s third law of motion, 49, 97, 360, 412, 416
noise, 313–5, 318–9, 394
non-inverting amplifiers, 398
non-uniform acceleration, 24
NTC (negative temperature coefficient) thermistors, 159,
161, 391
nuclear density, 226
nuclear fission, 496
nuclear forces, 229, 230, 232, 491, 494 nuclear fusion, 496
nuclear model of atoms, 223–6 nuclei, 225–8,
nucleon number, 226–9, 232, 490–6 nucleons, 226, 491–6
number, Avogadro, 349, 354, 543 number, neutron, 226–7, 490–1 number, nucleon, 226–9, 232, 490–6 number, proton, 226–9, 232, 490–1
ohm, 135
ohmic components, 158–9
Ohm’s law, 158–9
open-ended air columns, 215 operational amplifiers (op-amps), 393–8 optic fibres, 317, 322–3
orbital period, 278–9
orbital speed, 265
orbiting charges, 425–6
orbits, 262–5
oscillations, 286–302
oscilloscopes, 180, 453–4
particle models, 467–9
p.d. (potential difference), see potential difference pendulums, 41, 77, 243, 251–2, 256, 287, 289, 290 pendulums, Barton’s, 299–300
penetrating power, 234
people waves, 482