Page 573 - Physics Coursebook 2015 (A level)
P. 573

 Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics
 speed, and Doppler effect, 183–4 speed, and kinetic energy, 76–7 speed, and momentum, 87 speed, average, 2
speed, in simple harmonic motion, 287–90, 295–6 speed, instantaneous, 2
speed, of atoms in a gas, 346–7, 354–5
speed, of electrons in a current, 132–3
speed, of light, 186–7, 213, 310
speed, of particles emitted during radioactivity, 231 speed, of sound, 216–7, 310
speed, orbital, 265
speed, relative, 90
speed, top, 44–5
speed, wave, 183, 310
speed cameras, 39
spontaneous decay, 497
spring constant, 104
springs, 47, 104–7, 181, 537–8
spring–trolley systems, 291
springy collisions, 86–7
stationary waves, 211–18
step-down transformers, 458–9
step-up transformers, 458–9
sticky collisions, 87
strain, 105–9, 517
strain energy, 108
strain gauges, 389–90
strength, electric field, 119–22, 360, 362, 365, 367, 411 strength, gravitational field, 42, 75, 274–6, 367, 411 strength, magnetic field, 188, 411
stress, 105–7, 389–90, 517
stretched strings, 47, 104–9, 296
stretching materials, 105–7
superconductivity, 157
superconductors, 157
superposition of waves, 193–4
temperature, 328–40
temperature, thermodynamic, 40, 333–4, 350–355 tensile forces, 104–5
tension, 104–5, 262
terminal velocity, 45–6
tesla, 411
thermal energy, 333, 411
thermal equilibrium, 333
thermistors, 129, 159–61, 334–5, 387, 389 thermocouples, 334–5
thermodynamic scale, 40, 333–4, 350–355 thermometers, 332–3, 334–5
threshold frequency, 471–4 threshold voltage, 160–1, 470–1 ticker-timers, 3, 19, 27
top speed, 44–5
torque, 63
transducers, 387–8, 517–20
transducers, piezo-electric, 517–8 transformers, 446–7
transverse waves, 181–2, 188, 193, 211, 215 triangle of forces, 55
turning forces, 59–63
turns-ratio equation for transformer, 458
ultrasound scanning, 516–22
ultraviolet radiation, 106–7, 472 unbalanced forces, 44–5, 60, 428–9 uncertainty, 26, 55, 202, 240–54, 493, 536–8 uniform acceleration, 24–5
uniform electric field, 118–122 uniform motion, 44–5, 262 units, SI, 39–41, 416, 542 upthrust, 47, 48, 103, 346
vapour, 330
variable resistances, 391
vector addition, 10
vector components, 28–9
vector diagrams, 263
vector quantities, 4, 10, 261
velocity, 5–10, 15–24
velocity, angular, 261–2, 264, 523
velocity–time graphs, 17–20, 22–3, 24, 291–2 velocity selectors, 427–8
virtual earth approximation, 397
viscous force, 45
voltage, 49, 120–1, 134–8, 145, 157–8, 159–61, 172–4,
314–7, 335, 391–2
voltage, alternating,
voltage, input, 393–4
voltage, output, 393–4
voltage, root-mean-square (r.m.s.), 455–7 voltmeters, 134
volume, 348–55 volume, of proton, 226
watt, 80–1, 136
wave energy, 182–3
wave equation, 183, 213–14, 469
wavelength, 179–87, 193–6, 213–18, 311, 321, 469, 471,
475–7, 480–3, 507–9

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