Page 572 - Physics Coursebook 2015 (A level)
P. 572
perfectly elastic collisions, 89–90
period, 180–1, 183, 212, 278–9, 288, 291–2, 295–6, 322–3,
452, 453–4
period, orbital, 278–9
Periodic Table, 227, 545
periodic variation, 188
permanent magnets, 407–8, 410
permittivity of free space, 361, 543
phase, 182, 288–9
phase difference, 182, 197–8, 200–1, 212, 288–9, 397 photoelectric effect, 469–74
photon energies, 477
photons, 469–80
piezo-electric crystals, 517–8
piezo-electric effects, 517–8
piezo-electric transducers, 517–8
Planck constant, 469, 470–1, 480, 543
plastic deformation, 107–8
plum pudding model, 223
point charges, 360–2
point masses, 272–4, 276
potential difference (p.d.), 134–7, 146, 151, 157–8, 160, 170,
172–4, 319–20, 363–5, 373–4, 393–6, 470 potential dividers, 172, 388–90, 391–2, 398 potential energy, 75
potential energy, electric, 363–5
potential energy, gravitational, 75–9, 276
potentiometer circuits, 172–4
potentiometers, 172–4
power, 80–2, 136, 138, 182, 313, 317–8, 338, 393, 455–7, 510 power, penetrating, 234
power lines, 323, 457
powers of ten, 6, 121, 542
prefixes, 41, 542
pressure, 47–8, 74, 102–3, 181, 314, 333, 346, 348, 351–4 principle of conservation of energy, 79–80, 90, 148, 296,
332, 444, 492
principle of moments, 60–2
principle of superposition, 193–4 progressive waves, 179, 211–3,
projectiles, 28–31
proton number, 226–9, 232, 490–1 protons, 117, 130–2, 225–232, 491–5, 522–4
quantum physics, 467–83
radiation from radioactive substances, 223, 229, 231, 232–4 radiation penetration, 233–4
radioactive decay, 80, 186–7, 231–4, 490–501
radioactivity, 231–4, 490–501
radioisotopes, 499
radio telescopes, 179
radio waves, 186, 196, 198, 302, 310–14, 320–2, 469 real gases, 350–1
rectification, 460–1
rectifiers, 460–1
relative speed, 90
relays, 398–9
repeaters, 318–9, 323
repulsion, 117–8, 363, 367
repulsion between currents, 415
resistance, air, 42–6, 298, 445
resistance, electrical, 135, 149–50, 152, 457, 459, 479, 532–3 resistance, internal, 134, 169–71, 394
resistivity, 162–3
resistors, 129, 134, 145, 170, 172, 379–80, 388, 544 resonance, 214, 217–8, 299–302
resonance, magnetic, 522–5
resonance tubes, 214
rest mass, 492
resultant force, 38, 44, 54, 55–7, 96, 292
resultant velocity, 10
right-hand grip rule, 409
ripple tanks, 181–4, 195
ripples in water, 195–8
road traffic accidents, 23
root-mean-square (r.m.s.) currents and voltages, 455–7
scalar quantity, 4, 10, 261 semiconductor diodes, 129, 160 semiconductors, intrinsic, 479 sensors, 335, 337, 387–91 sensors, motion, 291
shock waves, 301
sidebands, 312–3
signal attenuation, 315–19, 320, 323 signal-to-noise ratio, 318–9
sign conventions, 29, 54
simple harmonic motion (s.h.m.), 289–302 sinusoidal currents, 416–27, 452–6
SI units, 39–41, 416, 542
slit separation, 201–5
slit-to-screen distance, 201–2
solenoids, 407–9, 440, 444–5
sound waves, 180–1, 183, 184–5, 213–15, 289, 310 specific heat capacity, 336–8
specific latent heat, 338–40
speed, 2–5, 15, 19–20, 43–5, 75
speed, and circular motion, 261–4