Page 671 - Understanding Psychology
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validity: content, 360; defined, 345; judging, g346; predictive, 360
variable, 40
variable-interval schedule of rein-
forcement, c254, 255 variable-ratio schedule of rein-
forcement, 253–54
variance: defined, 52; measures of, 52 ventromedial hypothalamus
(VM H), 321
vestibular sense, c210, 214 vestibular system, 220
violence: in American culture, 566; in
gangs, 567; in media, 262, 565 violent crime, Gary Gilmore, q474 virtual-reality therapy, 504 vision, 215–18; binocular fusion,
216–18; color deficiency and, 216; farsightedness, 218; learning to see (reading), 236–37; light and, 216;
Adler, Alfred, 385
Ainsworth, Mary, 76
Allport, Gordon W., 377, 400, 408 Ames, Adelbert, 231
Angelou, Maya, 527
Armstrong, Neil, 577
Aronson, Elliot, 590
Asch, Solomon, 556–57
Atkinson, J.W., 325
Averill, James, 331
Bandura, Albert, 107–08, 259, 262, 389–90, 565
Barber, Theodore, 193 Barnum, P.T., 364 Baumrind, Diana, 79
Beck, Aaron T., 472, 501–02 Beers, Clifford, 611
Bem, Sandra, 117–18, 121 Bergin, Allen, 492
Binet, Alfred, 32, 352
Bolles, Edmund Blair, 214, 223 Bouchard, Thomas, 176, 356 Bowlby, John, 76
Broca, Dr. Paul, 167 Budzynski, Thomas, 194
nearsightedness, 218; steady staring exercise, p218; wiring (reading), 270. See also eyes; sight
visual cliff, p66 visual codes, 274 visualization, 615
Walden Two (Skinner), 20
war, post-traumatic stress disorder and,
Wasted (Hornbacher), 126–27
Wave, The (Strasser), 574–75
Weber s law, 211
Wechsler tests, 353, c354; reliability of
(case study), 358
weight: genetics and, 323. See also obesity Weight Watchers, 435
W ild Boy of Aveyron, The (Hothersall), 5
Calkins, Mary Whiton, 19 Cannon, Walter B., 333 Castro, Fidel, 551
Cattell, James McKeen, 613 Cattell, Raymond, 401 Chastain, Brandi, 328 Chomsky, Noam, 20, 306 Chopra, Deepak, 423 Clinton, William J., 563 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 15, 295 Corbit, John, 335
Crick, Francis, 190
Crooks, Robert L., 273, 343, 363 Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 519
Damasio, Antonio, 330, 373 Darwin, Charles, 330
Davis, Willie, 313
de Beauvoir, Simone, 613 De Bono, Edward, 298 Descartes, René, 15, 613 Dewey, John, 32
Dix, Dorothea, 487, 611 Doob, Leonard, 22 Dove, Adrian, 357
Ekman, Paul, 331, 333
validity–Zimbardo experiment
withdrawal, 477
word salad, q465, 466 working: adjustment to, crt440;
changing careers, 440–41; com- parable worth, 441–42; enjoyment from, 441; male and female jobs by occupation, g442; satisfaction and dissatisfaction, 440; as stressor, 439; teenagers and, 103. See also career; job; occupation
working memory, 278. See also short- term memory
World Trade Center, 482–83 Y
Yerkes-Dodson law, g325
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance
Report, 99
Zimbardo experiment, 561–62
Elkind, David, 103
Ellis, Albert, 500–01
Erikson, Erik, 83–85, 92, 104–06, 112,
133, 135, 386, 533
Ettinger, R.H., 273, 363 Eysenck, Hans, 377, 401, 491–92
Fantz, Robert, 65
Fechner, Gustav Theodor, 209 Feingold, Alan, 526
Festinger, Leon, 20
Freud, Anna, 93
Freud, Sigmund, 17–19, 33, 37, 82, 121,
184, 189, 286, 376, 378–86, 399, 461,
493–95, 498 Fromm, Erich, 386
Gage, Phineas, 166
Galen, 23, 401
Galilei, Galileo, 15
Galton, Francis (Sir), 16–17, 175 Gardner, Allen, 66
Gardner, Beatrice, 66 Gardner, Howard, 349–50 Gates, Bill, 386, 570
Geller, Uri, 609
Goodall, Jane, 35–36 Gould, Elizabeth, 181 Greenspan, Dr. Stanley, 271
        Index 657

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