Page 243 - Marketing the Basics 2nd
P. 243

ABC see activity-based costing Abercrombie & Fitch 34 activity-based costing 113 AdSense 101
product-end use segmentation 48; readiness to buy segmentation 47; usage rate segmentation 48
behavioural segmentation 47; benefits sought segmentation 47
Berlitz 203
black box 120, 179
Blackberry 33,184
blogging strategy 75
blogs 69, 73, 75, 76, 131, 132, 137 Bloomingdales 34
BMW 200
Boeing 27
boomers 42, 184
Boston Consulting Group Model
Boyle, Susan 22
brand 12
brand awareness 15
brand equity 15, 16, 123, 205 brand evangelist 100
brand image 15, 16, 207 branding 12
branding element 14
British Airways 14
advertising 141 AIDA 134
Airbus 27,90 Amazon 67,127 American Apparel Anderson,Chris 67 Asda 206
association techniques avatars 137
average unit cost 113
B2B see business-to-business marketing
backward invention 211
Bank of Tokyo 14
banner blindness 100
BCG model see Boston Consulting
Group Model behavioural segmentation:
consumer attitudes 49;
occasions 49
behavioural segmentation: brand
loyalty segmentation 47;

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