Page 3 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Winter 2019_Final
P. 3

         Feature Article & News from Cranbrook Care



         Program                                                Winter is upon us which means shorter

                                                                days and colder nights. More time is spent
         Lansdowne Gardens is taking                            indoors around others and that increases
         part in the Harvest Collective                         our risk of exposure to the flu virus.
         Gardening Program in
         conjunction with North Sydney
         Council. Harvest Collective is an                      Anyone, even healthy people can get sick with the
         apartment‐based approach to                            flu and problems related to flu can happen at any
         sustainable food, providing residents of North Sydney   age, but older people are at a greater risk of
         with the skills and knowledge to set up a food garden   developing serious flu‐related complications if they
         and increase their understanding of sustainable food – in   get sick. People over the age of 65 and people with
         a shared apartment common area. It is more than just a   certain chronic medical conditions like asthma,
         planting day – it is designed to build capacity and help   diabetes, or heart disease are at even higher risk of
         residents manage and maintain their food garden. Since   developing serious complications from the flu
         2018, residents living in apartments have been provided   because of weakened immune systems. Most
         the skills, resources and knowledge to create a shared   people who get flu will recover in less than two
         space, learn from each other, and grow and harvest their   weeks, but some people will develop complications
         own food collectively.                                 like infections, pneumococcal pneumonia, and even
                                                                organ failure. Complications can be life‐threatening
         What does Harvest Collective hope to achieve?          resulting in hospitalisations and even death. It is
                                                                important to stay healthy not just for ourselves but
           To increase engagement and capacity for Strata to
             grow their own food in North Sydney                for others around us which is why health officials
           To increase local food production and consumption   recommend getting a flu vaccine every year.
                                                                Because pneumococcal pneumonia is a serious flu‐
           To reduce food waste going to landfill
                                                                related complication that can cause death, health
         What does it involve?                                  officials also recommend for those over age 65 to
                                                                get a pneumococcal vaccine at the same time. Both
         Harvest Collective is a structured program of seed‐to‐  the flu vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine are free
         table workshops, with the aim of increasing local food   to those over the age of 65. Other ways to help stay
         production and consumption through a combination of    healthy this winter and not spread the flu include:
         facilitated hands‐on learning and capacity building.
         Some materials and resources will be provided to help     Washing your hands regularly, especially before
         get the food garden up and running.                        and after visiting people who may be at high

                                                                  Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing.

                                                                  Using disposable tissues and throwing them in
                                                                    the bin immediately after use.

                                                                  Keeping surfaces like telephones and door
                                                                    handles clean.

                                                                For more information on Cranbrook at Home
                                                                please call 02 9458 9950 or email
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