Page 1 - Lansdowne Gardens Manns_Refurbishment Newsletter_July 2018
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July 2018
Dear Residents, Families and Friends, We have put together this newsletter to
demonstrate some of the ways we will be
Over the past several weeks you may have heard
updating your home and the process we will be
about our upcoming refurbishment, or you may
have seen a few things already happening around
the residence. We will also be holding an Information Session on
Tuesday 7 August at 5:30pm where our Project
We now have a confirmed date of Monday 13
Team will be there to explain in more detail the
August for when the refurbishment will officially
day‐to‐day operations. We invite you to come
commence. There are a few minor changes that
and join us at this session.
we’ve already done, such as the bronzing on the
handrails. The gardens have also had a slight If you are unable to attend, please feel free to ask
makeover and I can’t wait to see the plants the team at Lansdowne Gardens (Jackie, David,
flourishing come Spring. and Sargon) any questions you may have.
Cranbrook Care is passionate about maintaining our Please rest assured that we will be working very
residences to a premium standard. Lansdowne hard to ensure the impact to you is minimal. I
Gardens has been operating for 8 years now and look forward to seeing a fresh Lansdowne
we feel it’s time to refresh the residence so that Gardens and we appreciate your patience.
your home always reflects your premium
Kind regards,
As part of the process we have engaged a project
management company; a Furniture & Fittings
consultant; and, leading interior designers, Pike
Kerry Mann
Chief Executive Officer