Page 2 - Lansdowne Gardens Manns_Refurbishment Newsletter_July 2018
P. 2


               A considerable guiding factor in the             In the contemporary suites there will be

               refurbishment has been feedback from             new bronze handles on your cupboards.
               you that the residence is too dark.              All suites will have new champagne
               Although we have been working on this            coloured cover plates on the light
               for some time, we’ve never felt we’ve            switches. We’ll be restoring all cupboards
               been able to improve the lighting to             in your suite and all ensuite vanities. In
               everyone’s satisfaction. To that end, we         your ensuite there will also be new
               are re‐painting the entire residence a           tapware. The touch screens in your suite
               lighter shade of white and changing the          do not get used a great deal, so we are

               in‐ceiling lighting. The in‐ceiling lighting in   going to remove them.
               your suite will still be fully dimmable. We
                                                                We’re installing a new top‐of‐the‐line
               are also installing a new, lighter carpet
                                                                camera on our roof, so the image on your
               throughout the residence in all corridor
                                                                TV when you’re listening to the radio is
               and suites.
                                                                going to be greatly enhanced.
               You’ll also be receiving a new bedhead
                                                                The photos below give an overview of
               and footer; a custom woven bedspread
                                                                how the two different suite types will look
               and custom designed wool throw; a bed
                                                                after they’ve been refreshed.
               side table; a visitor chair and coffee table;
               and, custom designed wall lights.

               Heritage Suite

               Old Style                                         New Style
               Contemporary Suite

                Old Style                                        New Style
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