Page 2 - Lansdowne Gardens Autumn 2023 Newsletter
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News from Cranbrook Care
Expansion of Lansdowne Gardens
Our Lansdowne Gardens on Wycombe expansion is
due to be completed mid-2023.
The new building will integrate a restored heritage
From David building with a new state-of-the-art aged care
residence, surrounded by manicured gardens and
“Every day may not be good walking paths for our residents.
But there’s something good in every day.”
Snoopy. Resident suites will feature private ensuites and
Well we are now well into 2023! many have garden courtyards or balconies. Some of
the suites are afforded with spectacular views of
This season we will be holding some Sydney Harbour or the City Skyline.
exciting events at Lansdowne Gardens for
both our residents and their families. The new Lansdowne Gardens on Wycombe will
In addition to Mother’s Day, we also have feature many intimate dining and lounge areas for
our Wine & Cheese Festival in March residents to dine and socialise. The Piano Lounge
followed by our Jazz on the Green in May. and rooftop terrace have magnificent views of
Gaile and her Leisure & Lifestyle team are Sydney Harbour and the City Skyline. There are
excited to be able to host these events in private dining rooms, Library, and Café with a
the coming months. conservatory for family and friends to meet for a
As I am sure you are all aware, we recently tea, coffee, or bite to eat.
had our unannounced visit by the Aged Our new Reflections Wellness Centre will be a place
Care Quality and Safety Commission. The
where residents can be pampered and focus on
result was we passed with flying colours.
their wellbeing, featuring a Hair & Beauty Salon and
I would like to take this opportunity to a fully equipped Gym.
thank you to you all for your support
through what is quite a nerve-racking This residence will continue Cranbrook Care’s
experience for all. tradition of providing a boutique and luxurious
Sargon our Property Services Officer hotel-like design with excellence in care and services
celebrated 10 years with Lansdowne in a warm and caring environment. With its world
Gardens in February. He is a key member class design and a privately curated art collection,
of our team and is always willing to assist the new Lansdowne Gardens on Wycombe will offer
whenever he is asked. the ultimate in aged care living.
So it gives me great pleasure to inform you
that Sargon has now been given the
position of Group Property Services officer.
This will mean Sargon will assist property
officers at each Cranbrook Care residence
with day to day maintenance and some of
the more of the challenging repairs.
Until next time…..
David Clark
Artist’s impression of the exterior of Lansdowne
Residential Services & Relations Manager
Gardens on Wycombe.