Page 4 - Lansdowne Gardens Autumn 2023 Newsletter
P. 4
Health & Wellbeing
Code of Conduct for Aged Care
The Code of Conduct for Aged Care (the Code) D. Provide care, support and services in a safe
was introduced on 1 December 2022 and sets and competent manner, with care and skill.
out how aged care providers and their staff and E. Act with integrity, honesty and transparency.
governing persons must behave and treat
residents when providing aged care services. F. Promptly take steps to raise and act on
concerns about matters that may impact the
The Code aims to improve the safety, health, quality and safety of care, support and
wellbeing and quality of life for people receiving services.
aged care by promoting ethical, honest and
G. Provide care, support and services free
respectful behaviour, building trust in aged care
services and protecting residents against staff who from:
pose an unacceptable risk of harm. a. All forms of violence, discrimination,
exploitation, neglect and abuse and
The Code includes eight elements that describe
the behaviours expected of providers, their staff b. Sexual misconduct.
and governing persons. These are: H. Take all reasonable steps to prevent and
A. Act with respect for people’s rights to respond to:
freedom of expression, self-determination a. All forms of violence, discrimination,
and decision-making in accordance with exploitation, neglect and abuse and
applicable laws and conventions.
b. Sexual misconduct.
B. Act in a way that treats people with dignity If you have any questions relating to the Code,
and respect and values their diversity.
please do not hesitate to contact your Director of
C. Act with respect for the privacy of people. Care Services.