Page 8 - Lansdowne Gardens Autumn 2023 Newsletter
P. 8
Meet the Team
Adam Stewart
Team Leader, Personal Care Assistant
Hi, I’m Adam and I joined the Lansdowne My highlight was seeing Serena Williams v Venus
Gardens team in December 2022 as Team Williams in 2017 play the Grand Final at the
Leader, Personal Care Assistant, working full Australian Open.
time in Camellia/Banksia. Some of my other favourite players are Nadal
I grew up in Cherrybrook where I’ve lived all my and Frances Tiafoe.
life. My Dad is Aussie/Scottish and my mum is I started my career in aged care in 2018 having
from the beautiful Philippines. I have travelled to finally found what I’m passionate about and
the Philippines multiple times for the food! My what I love to do as a career. I’m especially
favourite dish is Pork Adobo. But also, of course, interested in working in the Memory Support
I travel to see my large extended family. Unit (Camellia) and I hope to further my studies
Before starting in aged care, I worked in events in the area of Dementia.
at the Museum of Commentary Art at The Rocks Being a caregiver is one of the most important
and I still work at Accor Stadium and Commbank
and personally rewarding roles I’ve ever done in
Stadium casually as an Event Manager on my life, I love to care for people and give them
weekends. I love working at the big sporting the best life. Since the first day I walked into
events such as the NRL Grand Final and the State Lansdowne Gardens I made the right decision to
of Origin and I’m also looking forward to be work here, as I feel very welcome by staff,
working at the big concerts such as Ed Sheeran
management, residents and residents’ families.
and Harry Styles!
Please come and visit me in Camellia and say
I love tennis and I travel to Melbourne Park ‘Hi’, I’m the one with the big smile behind the
every January to watch my favourite players. mask!
Lansdowne Gardens
Lansdowne Gardens Pty Limited
11 Manns Avenue, Neutral Bay NSW 2089
T 02 9953 0000 F 02 9953 0111