Page 2 - WCG Spring Newsletter 2023
P. 2



                                       From Sharon

              With Spring coming hopefully so will the
              warmer weather. We will start to introduce
              some more outdoor activities into our
              calendar to take advantage of the sun.

              Our Winter Music Festival was held on               Helga enjoying craft
              Tuesday 8 August and a fantastic time was
              had by all. The opera singers and pianist
              that came to the facility were outstanding,
              our residents enjoyed themselves
              immensely. Our next quarterly event is
              ‘Grandparents Day’ coming up on 3
              October, along with all our activities that
              are done on a daily basis.

              I would like to welcome our new residents
              and families and thank you for entrusting
              us to care for you/your loved ones, it is a
              privilege and honour.

              A reminder for our families that when
              items of clothing, blankets etc, are brought
              in for your loved one, please remember to
              give to reception so they can take your
              loved ones’ items to the laundry to be
              labelled. We are still getting many pieces of
              clothing unlabelled, coming into the                 Dewar dancing at the concert
              laundry, that cannot be returned to their
              rightful owner.
              My door is always open, if you need to see
              me please contact me or knock on my
              Warmest regards,

              Sharon Ivers
              Residential Services & Relations Manager

                                                                   Susana and Nancy out on the bus
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