Page 2 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Winter 2017_Final
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                                     From David

                                                              Margaret & Nola celebrating International Nurses Day
            "People don't notice whether it's winter or summer
            when they're happy."   Anton Chekhov
            We have planned some amazing activities and
            outings for our residents. From Ladies' High Tea to
            a Men’s lunch at the Yacht Squadron, to a walk
            through one of Sydney’s finest houses in the
            colony, Elizabeth Bay House. We are spoilt for
            choice of activities in our beautiful city.

            The winter months also brings a change to our
            menu to include hearty soups prepared by Ashley
                                                              Residents visiting Sydney Observatory
            and his team in our kitchen.

            In addition to our in‐house Physiotherapist team,
            Judith Rolin, our Remedial Masseur, has been well
            received by our residents who provides in suite   Housekeeping
            remedial massage. Judith is at Lansdowne Gardens
            every Thursday and bookings can be made by
            contacting Client Services.                       A very warm welcome to our new residents and their
                                                              loved ones. As winter approaches, relatives are reminded
            Our Winter Music Festival was another huge        to check that your loved one's clothing is in good repair,
            success this year with the amazing duo of Gavin &   and season appropriate. When changing over or adding
            Niyati Libotte performing numbers from Streisand   new wardrobe items or underwear, please ensure that
            to Winehouse and everything in between.           these are first taken to Reception for labelling. Similarly if
                                                              you are missing an article of clothing, please ask to check
            Lynette Phillips has joined as our new Client     our collection of items so that these may be labelled and
            Services Manager. Lynette has taken over from     returned. It is also a timely reminder that woollen or
            Julie who left us to travel around Australia. Please   delicate items cannot tolerate our commercial washers,
            make Lynette feel welcome and visit her on B2 so   and should always be taken home to wash or sent to our
            she can put a face to a name.                     dry cleaners for a small fee.

            Our upcoming Resident & Relative meetings for     Relatives are reminded to inform us of any change to
            Manns Avenue and Wycombe Road are 22 June         their contact details. If you have moved home, changed
            and 24 August in the Piano Lounge at Manns        jobs, have a new mobile/home phone number, or even if
            Avenue.                                           you are going away for an extended period ‐ please advise
                                                              either myself or Reception so we may update our records
            We hope to see you there.                         accordingly. It is advisable that the primary person
                                                              responsible provide us with a current email address, so

                                                              that you do not miss out on receiving our regular e‐
                                                              communications for upcoming events, newsletters or
                                                              important notices.

            David Clark, Residential Services Manager         I look forward to meeting you all in the not too distant

                                                              Lynette Phillips, Client Services Manager
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