Page 6 - Lansdowne Gardens Newsletter Winter 2017_Final
P. 6


            Creamy Rice

            Winter is here! We've got out the root                          What’s Cooking
            vegetables, delicious hearty soups are
            being made and enjoyed and the slow                             with Ashley, Group Executive Chef
            cookers are being used in mass. I love
            winter, the richness of the food and
            flavours are so intense and
            flavoursome. It can be the season we    Creamy Rice with Stewed Prunes  Stewed Prunes Ingredients:
            add a few extra kilos to the waistline,                                 ½ cup water
            but with our dietician's guidance, let's   Ingredients:                 ¼ cup caster sugar
            hope that doesn't happen to our                                          tsp vanilla paste
            residents and staff this season (unless   2 cups milk           1 cup cream   1 tspn lemon juice
            that is the goal of course ).          ¼ cup caster sugar
                                                    ½ cup short grain or arborio rice   1 pinch star anise
            With the opening of Bayswater           1 tsp vanilla essence           1 cinnamon stick
            Gardens now complete with close to      Method:                         500g pitted prunes, drained
            50 residents, my focus has been on                                      and juice/syrup reserved
            creating a menu for Cranbrook           Place all the ingredients in a sauce   Method:
            Residences. It has been exciting        pan, except the rice. Slowly bring
            planning a different style of menu for   to a simmer, and stir frequently   Bring the water, sugar, vanilla,
            this vibrant and energetic group of     to ensure the base of the pot   cinnamon, lemon & one cup
            over 55's! Lots more cocktail and       does not catch and burn. Add the   of the prune juice to the boil.
            entertaining packages, cheese platters   rice and return to a simmer. From   Add the prunes. return to the
            and happy hour. I might just plan to    this point the rice can be cooked   boil. Simmer, until the prunes
            move there down the track.              on the stove top, like a risotto or   are soft and about to fall
                                                    can be placed in a baking dish in   apart, approx. 3‐4 minutes.
            We hope you enjoy our Winter            an oven pre‐heated at 140°C, for   Allow to cool before
            menus, it is a pleasure to create for   40‐50 minutes or until soft. If the   refrigerating; add more prune
            you.                                    rice becomes too thick or gluggy,   juice if desired. Can be stored
                                                    stir in some cold milk until desire
                                                    consistency is achieved.        in sterilised glass jars for up to
                                                                                    a month.
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