Page 6 - William Cape Gardens Summer Newsletter 2017 Final
P. 6

         What's Cooking

            Cranberry &

            Pistachio Slice
                                                                            What’s Cooking

            With the festive season upon us, my                             with Ashley, Group Executive Chef
            creative focus turns to ingredients
            and recipes that create yummy things
            to serve for family and friends.        Ingredients:                    3.  On low speed mix until
                                                    750g unsalted butter, cut into
            Recently at Lansdowne Gardens we
            have been using a lot of nuts, seeds    cubes                           4.  Slowly add the melted butter
            and grains in our cakes and slices, that   300g brown sugar                and sugar; followed by the eggs.
            we serve for morning and afternoon      1.5 cups honey
            tea.                                    3 eggs, whisked                 5.  Grease and line a baking tray;
                                                    540g quick cook oats               press the dough into the tray.
            One in particular, brings together      300g self‐raising flour
            cranberries and pistachios, which are   3 cups sundried cranberries     6.  Cover with baking paper and lid
            both very Christmassy ingredients. It   1 cup sultanas                     or foil.
            is very simple to make.                 4 cups pistachio nuts, lightly   7.  Bake in a pre‐heated oven at
                                                    toasted and roughly chopped
            I hope you enjoy making this delicious                                     165°C for 25‐30 minutes.
            recipe and I wish you a wonderful and
            safe holiday season.                    Method:                         8.  Remove the lid/foil and cook for
                                                    1.  In a saucepan, melt the butter   a further 5‐10 minutes until
                                                       sugar and honey over a low      golden brown.
                                                       heat; stir frequently; do not   9.  Cool to room temperature
                                                                                       before portioning or refrigerate.
                                                    2.  Place all remaining ingredients   10.  Can be stored at room temp. in
                                                       in a mixer bowl.
                                                                                       a sealed container for up to 5
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