Page 5 - Impact Report 2020 Final
P. 5


    "As a change agent, I speak for the people.                           Volunteering together with future
    Volunteering with Habitat is my passion. If I don't                     homeowners to help build their
    help people, I feel like I'm not doing anything."                                           new homes is to
    Habitat homeowner and longtime volunteer
                                                               $22,028                        experience grace."
                                                                                                   Habitat Homeowner

                                  CARS FOR HOMES

                "One of the biggest things that I've learned is that just because you want something
                   now, that's not what God taught. He taught that he will give it in His time. So, the

                        process is not short, but it teaches you patience. Being able to rely on others,
                 helping others, and then you will reach your goal. Once you reach your goal, which
                 for most of us is to have our own home, you don't stop there. You continue helping
                                                                                 others, you just keep helping..."
                                                                                   Laura M.-Habitat Homeowner
             Total ReStore                                                                         $208,295

             Customers                                       Habitat homeowners paid in
                                                                          property taxes in 2020

     "The joy of being around like-minded people that just want to
     make a difference. It really is God's love in action."
     Habitat Volunteer

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