Page 27 - Art at VIPERGEN Korr
P. 27

 Lars Christensen: Untitled, 2017. Acrylic on canvas, 90 x 90 x 3.5 cm
With his formalist works, Lars Christensen expands the concept of painting. In the artist’s works,
it is the paint that has the greatest focus. By making precise cuts in the canvas and then pushing acrylic paint out through the front of the canvas, the tactile and sculptural blobs of paint are created. In this way, Lars Christensen creates patterns, structures, and optical effects in his paintings, which also take on the character of reliefs and sculptures. The deep study of the painting’s components
is supported by the artist’s use of monochrome colors and clear contrasts, which give a clean and minimalist expression and offer new entrances to the painting. With Lars Christensen, the aesthetic focal point is not a scenic, narrative, or symbolic motif, but rather the action itself, the paint and the canvas that precedes the final works. His works are in the expanded field of what we can understand as painting, with a sculptural understanding and a three-dimensionality which testifies to the continual renegotiation of the media.
Lars Christensen (1972 DK) studied at the Design School in Kolding, Denmark. He is represented by 2112 in Denmark, Anne Mosseri-Marlio Gallerie in Switzerland, and Rarity Gallery in Greece. Lars Christensen has, among other things, exhibited his works at Willumsen’s Museum, DK; Den Frie, DK, and Nikolaj Kunsthal, DK. His works are part of the collections at the Espoo Museum of Modern Art in Finland, the National Arts Foundation, the New Carlsberg Foundation, and Nykredit’s Art Collection.

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