Page 3 - GNS70 Timeline Final
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1961 1967 (continued) 1971 (continued) 1976 1980
Dual dedication of Sefer Torahs for
GNS and the Sephardic Synagogue.
GNS Leisure Lounge opens Senior
citizens group Youth Department
partakes in social action, visit elderly
Jews in The Bronx.
The Sanctuary is dedicated in memory
of Solomon S.Goldwyn – President
1956-1966 and the first high holiday 1981
Additional 4 acres are purchased services are held in the new building.
from Dr. David Schwartz. A new North Shore Mikvah Rabbi Wolf celebrates his 25th
sanctuary, catering facilities, and incorporated as Anniversary at GNS. The new ark
NSHA building are planned. independent organization. doors are dedicated in his honor.
Percival Goodman hired as
1973 Dedication of new ark in Rabbi Norman Amsel becomes
Assistant Rabbi.
1965 synagogue marks Rabbi
Wolf’s 20th anniversary
GNS raises money for Yom with shul. Bronze doors
Kippur War, helping soldiers designed by Adek
Joel Paul hired as Youth Director. in Israel. Apfelbaum. 1983
Steel sculpted Menorah created by Ira Ner Tamid created by Ira Lubin
1966 Lubin mounted on wall next to the aron. 1974 New fleishig kitchen opens dedicated in memory of Belle
next to gym. Goldwyn z”l.
Shlomo Carlebach sings at GNS.
First Great Neck NCSY
chapter begins at GNS. 1985
Mac Mender becomes Chairman of the
1975 Mikvah renovated and dedicated in
memory of Belle Goldwyn z”l.
The GNS forms first Little League
baseball team. Oswaldo Colon Head
Youth lounge is completed. The GNS Rabbi Dale
holds its first Perek on the Lawn. Polakoff is
Foundation of new building with the 1979 appointed the
Mikvah is laid. Rabbi of GNS.
Stuie Warner hired as Youth Director. Mayor ED Koch is guest speaker
GNS sends 40 diapulse machines at GNS for the 50th anniversary of
to help the wounded of the Six Day Kristallnacht.
War. Teen club raises funds to buy The gym is Eiruv - town of North
an ambulance. dedicated and Hempstead approves Elie Wiesel speaks at GNS.
named in honor 1989
of Mac & Billie
Mender. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz speaks at GNS.