Page 11 - Our important book
P. 11

he Important thing about Nancy is

          T that she is the GODDESS. Nancy

            is CREATIVE and FUNNY. She comes
                 from Texas, you can tell from her

                 accent, SPARKLES, and BLING.

                  Nancy is FUN to watch, always
                     ENTERTAINING, with her

             ENTHUSIASM and WACKY dances.

                  Nancy, also known as “FANCY

                  NANCY”, is like a BMW. She is
              THRIFTY and can make great things

           out of everyday trash. Nancy is SHARP

                          and dresses SHARPLY, again with BLING.
           Nancy has very INTERESTING neighbors and is a LOVER of

                DOGS, she even has doggie treats stashed in her office.

                 Nancy is very ORGANIZED and her office has NEAT

            THINGS to look at. But the Important Thing about Nancy is
                                        that she is the GODDESS.
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