Page 7 - Our important book
P. 7

he Important Thing about Joyce
           T is that she is our GURU. Joyce is

            WARM and THOUGHTFUL. She is

              an incredible ASSET to our Team,

               since she is most KNOWLEDGE-
             ABLE and extremely THOROUGH.

              She is KIND but TOUGH, and the

           epitome of GRACE, as she is SUAVE,
            ELEGANT and always LADYLIKE…

            so CLASSY! We rely on Joyce for her

                    EXPERIENCE like we do a

            MATRIARCH, because she has such
                HIGH STANDARDS. Joyce is a

              SURVIVOR of many grand adventures, including the

             2019-20 YBBBS Grand Adventure. Joyce is RESOLUTE,
            REGAL, AWESOME and stays YOUTHFUL both inside

               and out. She is always SMILING, and is FUN TO BE

            WITH. But the Important Thing about Joyce, is that she
                                               is our GURU.
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