Page 5 - Our important book
P. 5

he Important Thing about Gigi is

                                             Tthat she will bring out the FLIP FLOP

                                                         if you get out of hand. Gigi
                                                dances in the dust on the Playa at

                                                      BURNING MAN, but is need of

                                                moving water to feed her soul. She is

                                                at peace when she is GLAMPING with
                                                      her husband Scott and her dog

                                                 Gypsi next to any river or stream, and

                                              loves to watch the birds. Gigi is FUNNY,
                                                       HILARIOUS really, but she is

                                              THOROUGH. She keeps our NUMBERS

                                               in order, and is always RELIABLE. Gigi
                                                   is always SUPPORTIVE and rather

                                                    EMPOWERING. She is quite the

                                                   DIVERTIDA, along with being our
                                              RESIDENT HUMOROUS CYNIC, she is

                                               our CHEERLEADER, and always keeps

                                               things HUMOROUS and LIGHT, as she

                                                    loves to ENTERTAIN us. But the
                                               Important Thing about Gigi, is that she

                                               will bring out the FLIP FLOP if you get

                                                                     out of hand.
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